At least once a week I receive an email from a reader asking how she can get started freelance writing.
My number one piece of advice is to just take that first step – face your fears, put yourself out there, and get started.
But I’ve also discovered other useful tips along the way. That’s why I’ve decided that I would do a four week series showing you the exact steps I took to get freelance jobs.
But since confidence seems to be one of the major issues holding people back from pursuing their work from home dreams, I wanted to start with a little pep talk!
Why You Need to Work on Your Confidence
The hardest part of getting started on anything new is taking that first step. There is always going to be someone who is better and more experienced than you. Often that fact alone is paralyzing.
The thing about those people you admire, and sometimes envy, is that they all started at the bottom. They started from nothing, paid their dues, and worked their way up to the top. You can too.
Don’t let your lack of confidence hold you back. If you can stick with it long enough you absolutely WILL make it.
When you set out to find jobs you’ll be rejected a lot at first. And that can be tough.
I was rejected a ton of times before I started to be okay with it. At first it stung a little. And then over time it was just part of the business that I came to expect.
Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like rejection. I still get nervous when I have to call a hopeful client to sort out job duties. I still get nervous when I receive emails asking for interviews. I’m not sure that this will ever fully go away. But I do find the more opportunities I take the more my confidence grows.
If I Can Do It – So Can YOU
I have no college degree. The few semesters that I did attend college were spent taking accounting classes. I have no fancy education. No experience writing – other than what I have gained from this blog.
I simply saw an opportunity to rid myself of my low paying day job and took it. I’ve been working on this for going on two years now. And because of the time I’ve put in, I’ve recently had several opportunities open up to me.
In the past few months I’ve offered some new services to existing clients, taken on a new type of job – which I enjoy, been asked to apply for a job at a larger company, asked to do a live video discussion at the Huffington Post after they saw an article I wrote for another blog, and have been interviewed for an article in a major magazine (March 31st issue of Woman’s World Magazine in stores now 😉 ).
In addition my income finally grew last month after I picked up my pace once again and will be even higher this month.
I’m not the only one who has had opportunities arise, though. Here are some other ladies who’ve started working on their own freelance writing career in the past couple of years and have turned hard work into success:
- Stefanie at The Broke and Beautiful Life had one of her articles picked up on several major news outlets.
- Holly from Club Thrifty recently wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal and got an interview on Fox Business. (She’s brave! Watch her TV appearance here.)
- Cat from Budget Blonde has had a couple of posts and a video interview published on the Huffington Post among other places.
None of these women were instant success stories. They all put in hard work and are now reaping the benefits. This is proof that if you commit yourself and work hard you can be successful, too.
(Also, note that we all define success differently – so don’t compare yourself to someone else. Use their stories as inspiration to keep going! The only comparison you should make is you to you. What does your progress look like?)
If you’ve been thinking about starting a freelance writing career but have been putting it off, I want to know – What’s holding you back? Leave a comment or email me!
I want to be a freelancer so badly,its not confidence holding back but the fact that I do not write financial stories and don’t know what specialty I could write about of interest to anyone.
You are an absolutely amazing writer! I think you could have your pick of clients. What about something travel related? Parenting? Dating? Or maybe even writing for a blog/magazine for people who want to write novels. Pick one thing try it out and if you don’t like it, move to the next. BTW, I really, really want to read your novel when it’s finished 🙂 !!
You’ll definitely be on my list when I get published.
Thanks for a wonderful and timely post Alexa! I was really happy to read this and you totally hit the “nail on the head” about fear keeping people from trying freelancing.
I love this and can’t wait to read more. I just started freelance writing and it’s exciting and nerve wracking. I am motivated to make more income as I’ve always worked at nonprofits, and I’m ready to be paid more. I also have a master’s, and love writing so I think it would work out well. You are a true inspiration to me, so thank you for your helpful article. I am working on my confidence issues by just doing what scares me, and realize the world won’t end.
So what’s the process for a freelancer/writer to get an article published at a big time site? Is it different than doing a guest post for a blog where you usually contact the owner first and ask permission to do a guest post? Do you simply submit a post and hope for the best? Clearly I’m curious. 🙂
Thanks for the shout out Alexa! You’re totally right, if we can do it, so can anyone willing to do the work!
I second Brian’s questions above. I don’t really know how you go about getting published by big news outlets and what the process is for getting there. I recently took my first weekly contributor job and it’s been fun but I also feel even more pressure than when I write for my own site! Don’t want to let my client down.
Hi Alexa,
I really love your blog and I REALLY love writing! Do you have a post on how you fit it all in when you were still working outside the home. That’s my biggest challenge. It seems after the 8-5 grind, homework, dinner, chores, etc…it’s hard to carve out the time.
Catina I know what you mean. Single mom, 12 hour shifts and a house to tend to. Try getting the family on your side. “Give mom one uninterrupted hour and then we’ll make smoothies.” Bribery does work.
Hi Alexa! I have been directed here several times by people trying to help me out of a bad spot. I have been pouring over your site, and yet with this first post in the series, you’ve nailed exactly what is holding me back.
I don’t think I’m good enough, I don’t think I have a niche, I don’t have a college degree, or anything to put on a writing resume other than my blog. I made my freelance website, and promptly ignored it. I saved a few listings of jobs asking for an example piece, started writing them, and then just gave up because “this isn’t exactly what they asked for.”
I am desperate to find a way to help support my family, while also being present in their lives and preventing them from being raised by daycare employees, yet I have hit an invisible brick wall. I wish there were jobs that said “newbies apply here!” just so there wasn’t so much pressure!
I will go back and click all the links in your post and try to absorb your advice enough to take the next step. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your success and yourself for the benefit of other people.
Hey, Trisha! I am one of the people who reccomended this site. Trisha and Alexa are gonna have good mojo! I can just feel it!!!
Confidence is definitely something that’s been holding me back from trying freelance writing. That and not knowing what to write about.
Regardless of what kind of business you are in, it’s the same formula. Drive, determination, and perseverance. Works every time.
Congratulations to you on your recent achievements, Alexa, and to Stephanie, Holly, and Cat, too! I love that you share your story, so others can be inspired to do the same, if that’s what they want to do.
I hire staff writers now and again for my various websites, and I can confirm that most of my writers came to me by putting themselves out there, reaching out, networking and being confident enough to approach me and ask whether I was looking for anybody. Writing is the type of field that you don’t have to have formal education in the subject for, and it’s really rewarding. Congrats on making it!
It is nice to know that established people did start at the bottom. How you explained your journey to get where you are now showed me that it is indeed achievable. I look forward to reading more. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Fear is definitely holding me back, it doesn’t stem from a lack of confidence, it’s in regards to time management. I find it hard enough to generate consistent content on my own blog let alone someone else’s. Not too mention that with a wife and two young children I find that my time is so limited.
I would love to start a career as a freelance blogger, but I can’t find my niche or a topic that I can really dig into. I’m a marketing major and I love marketing and direct sales, but I think it’s so saturated. I also tried blogging about being a single mom with boys, but couldn’t find my voice. I’m always encourgaed when I read your blog. I look forward to your new series 🙂
I never studied web design and yet I’ve been doing it for 12 years now. In the past 5 the business has grown nicely and I’m making a good income from it, by working from home. No matter your passion, just start working, be serious and you’ll make it 😉
Thanks for mentioning my WSJ article and interview. It was scary! =)
I do not have a website as of yet. I would like to begin a blog of this very important season in my life, where I have begun the journey take control of my health. I have made the decision to have bariatric surgery. This was huge for me but, necessary due to some health conditions. I would like for others who are interested to follow my journey and see how i’m able to improve my over all health through this procedure along with diet, and exercise.
What should I do 1st??????
I want to start doing this like LITERALLY yesterday. But I’m really scared that I will take a 3 months or more before I make a penny. That is what is holding me back from starting this. Along with I have spending hours at a time on your website. & these so called website that claimed that you can find “EASY” work from home to get paid weekly. & yet I can’t find a job that I can work with out having to go threw so much that it is not even worth attempting to apply. So should I just go for some of the writing jobs? Or keep trying to look for some of these jobs that claim that you can work & get paid weekly. But that pays you more than $0.50 to do a task. Ahhhhh! Help me please. Maria mehelle i live in the phillippines.i want a freelancer but i did’nt know how start.i did not finish my study but i want job or extra a single mom.i need your advise how to start the job thank you and god bless and more power…..
I am very much interested in working as a freelancer. But do not know, whom should I approach for work. Can you please advise, how do I exactly start looking for freelancing opportunities.
We have a few helpful articles on this site that can help you get started with freelance writing and offer tips on where to find work:
Hope this helps and good luck!
Thank you Alexa, I was inspired of what you have expeirenced. I love to write too but I never tried yet showing it to others.