Is your job making your miserable? Are you planning an escape? Would you rather do anything but go to work?
It sounds like you need to learn how to make the most out of a crappy job!
My current job is far from my dream job (but I’m working on that). What I have learned though, is that complaining gets you nowhere and your energy could be better spent planning and learning.
If your job really sucks follow these tips to make it more enjoyable.
Use Your Job to Harness a New Skill Set
Yes, thats right. Your crappy job can actually give you the skills you need to accomplish your goals. Take me for example, I am an insurance agent, I have to talk to people on the phone all day. There are many times that I have less than pleasant conversations with irrate customers. (Think :insurance company doesn’t want to pay their claim)
I don’t enjoy these conversations, truthfully I don’t really like talking on the phone much at all, but it’s simply not an option at work. I have to act super friendly to people even when I am cussing under my breath, I have to quote various insurance policies and then try to sell my quote.
When I look at my current income goals (writing,websites,blogging) they take marketing. This marketing consists of speaking to potential clients on the phone and trying to sell my services.
So instead of complaining about my job I instead try to do the best I can in the areas that matter most.
Think about what your dream job looks like. Now what skills does your dream job require that you can learn from your current job? Quality customer service, marketing, financial management……find that skill you need and work to perfect it.
Make a Plan
Nobody wants to work a crappy job forever, but without a plan it’s likely to happen. If you hate your job and dream of being somewhere else and doing something different start making an exit plan now. Don’t quit yet, but think about what you can do to get to where you want to be.
Maybe you need to go back to school and get a degree, maybe you want to start your own business or perhaps you are like me trying to earn money online. Whatever your desire map out a way to acheive your goals.
Once you have this in place you can go to your crappy job with a better attitude, knowing that this job won’t be holding you back forever.
Keep Your Eyes & Ears Open
Be on the look out. You may not come across your dream job in the near future but you could take a step up from where you are at now. If friends or family refer you to a job don’t rule it out just because it’s not your dream job. It could end up being a lot better than the job you are at now and you may be able to learn a brand new (and very helpful) skill set from a new job.
So keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities that have the potential to inch you up to where you want to be.
On those days when you are ready to throw in the towel keep your plan in mind. Just becuase your job is less than ideal now doesn’t mean it always has to be. Learn what you can, stay on good terms with the people you work for and with, make your plan, and be on the look out for new opportunities – because they will come your way!
What are your tips for dealing with a crappy job?
I think it’s remembering that your job is a means to an end – WHY are you in this job – to get experience, as a stepping stone to a better one? Just saving up in order to move somewhere else, or go travelling? Keeping your eye on the end goal/purpose helps.
I think so too. You can use the experience to help find something much better. Mine has given me a lot of new skills.
have you read the book, ” Quitter” ? I have heard good reviews. It is about transitioning from one job to another.
Yeah I have read it. I really liked it. It basically encourages you to pursue your dreams and very slowly transition from your day job to your dream job. It’s a pretty good book!
I have had many crappy jobs. I have found that my attitude is part of it, and if I can improve my attitude I can become drastically happier!
Alexa, I have definitely had my fair share of crappy jobs that I dealt with. One in particular paid for me to take two classes and in order to avoid having to pay back the company for the classes, I had to work there until the day they submitted the check for the classes, not the day they paid for them. (it was a difference of 2 months because they paid me back mid semester). The job was awful but it also helped me plan my future move and accumulate vacation in which I was paid in full for! There are some perks of quitting around December time 🙂
I think if someone is in a crappy job they can do one of two things, make the most of the role and think of ways that they can champion the role and the company by sharing ideas, working with management and their team. The second option is to quit and find another job or go back to school to learn more skills to get you into a job you might like. Life is full of options but it depends on personal situations. Cheers
I haven’t had a crappy job in a while, but even when I did, those all taught me some sort of lesson, even if it was that I never wanted to do that again. I often wonder if there is anyone who goes to work every day and thinks this is where they would rather be as opposed to anywhere else. I somehow doubt it, but if you aren’t born with a trust fund, you have to work somewhere, so might as well make the best of it and also do your best. You never know who’s paying attention. It could be your next boss.
Developing the right skill set is by far the best way to move from a crappy job to a good one. I think if there’s one skill that people under-estimate in any field, its the ability to communicate. The better you are at selling yourself, your ideas, or convincing others, the farther you’ll be able to go at just about anything you try.