When you need money now, it can be hard to find it. Sure, there are tons of ways to earn extra money but most take at least a week before you get any payment. Even though your options are a bit limited we’ve rounded up ten ways to make money in one day.
Here’s what you can try.
Sell Clothes on Facebook Groups
Selling in Facebook groups is an easy way to earn extra money quickly. If you have any clothing that is in good condition that you no longer wear, try posting in Facebook Yardsale groups. You may need to post in multiple groups to sell your items fast. Just search for “garage sale” or “for sale” in your county.
Other items that you may be able to sell on Facebook:
- Shoes
- “Lots” of Books
- Baby Items
- Home Décor Items
- Furniture
Babysitting is a tried and true way to quickly earn extra money. If you know a couple who would like a day free from kids, offering to babysit could get you the money you need.
Take on Seasonal Work
Every season there is different work you can complete when you need extra cash. Try things like…
- Spring- Wash Windows, Tidy Up Outside
- Summer – Mow Lawns, Weed Eat
- Fall – Rake Leaves
- Winter- Shovel Snow
Turn in Old Electronics
If you have old laptops, tablets or cellphones you can sell or recycle for money. I have a list of places that allow you to mail in your old electronics here. However, for quicker cash I recommend searching for an electronics collection place in your area.
Find a Gig on Freelancer
If you have any skills in marketing, writing, data entry or design you can probably find a quick job to complete on Freelancer.com. Freelancer is a site that allows users to bid on projects in a variety of different fields. Payment is issued upon satisfactory completion of the project.
Recycle Scrap Metal
Metals that are worth the most money include aluminum, copper, stainless steel and bronze. So, if you have some scrap metal laying around or know someone who would be willing to give you theirs to get it off their property, you can cash it in.
Have a Yard Sale
Depending on the time of year and where you live, having a yard sale is always an option for quick cash. Here are our tips for a successful yard sale.
Sell Unused Gift Cards at a Discount
Have you received gift cards for places you don’t frequent? Sell them for a percentage off to someone who will use them.
Clean Houses
Are you a good cleaner? Post on your social media pages that you have some openings for the day and are available to clean houses. Be sure to agree on payment beforehand.
Visit the Pawn Shop
Pawn shops will always make the bottom of my list when it comes to quickly earning extra cash. However, if you’re hard up this may be one of the only options you have. Most pawn shops will accept any item of value and you’ll have the option of pawning or selling it.
Just be forewarned that you won’t got anywhere near the amount the item is actually worth.
Other Ways to Make Money
When it comes to making extra money in one day, your options are pretty limited. However, if you need to up your income permanently there are tons of side hustles you can start.
Here are some of my faves:
- 50 Legit Work at Home Jobs
- Data Entry Jobs
- How to Start a Freelance Writing Biz
- Work from Home Jobs You Can do From Your Phone
If you know of any other legit ways to make money in one day let us know in the comments.