As a single mom finding a good job is so hard.
There’s nobody to help you get by. You have to pay your own bills and take care of your kids. You have to work every day and then come home to a messy house that you just can’t seem to keep clean, help with homework, chase down little ones, make supper, and get everyone ready for bed.
Then you get the pleasure of waking up the next day and doing it all over again.
It’s hard.
Plus, if your family is like mine you have nobody who is able or willing to give you much needed mental breaks or watch your kids while you’re at work. On top of your other bills you have to pay a babysitter.
It Gets Worse
Then it gets even worse. If one of your kids get sick you have to call off work to take care of them. But your boss doesn’t like this. By taking caring of your kids you’re putting yourself in jeopardy of losing your job.
I remember one day while at work the babysitter called me to tell me that Ava was covered in hives. (Turns out she had a high fever and a bad heat rash. Her whole face was swollen.) My boss was on the phone but I needed to go – like right away. So I left without telling him. I had no choice. She needed to go to the doctor.
And then what happened? I get these weird looks the next day like I did something terribly wrong.
It’s total bullshit.
As a single mom you need a good job. You need to be paid what you’re worth, you need flexibility, and you need a good work life balance.
What should you do?
The Best Job for Single Moms
Noticed I said job not jobs. Because in my opinion there’s only one option for a single mom to have the kind of job that allows her freedom.
(Unless you have a very supportive family and plenty of help with your kids. In that case any job will work.)
And that is to work for yourself.
When I was first on my own and was working two day jobs life really sucked. I was tired all the time and instead of being that loving mother that I needed to be, I was mean. I snapped all the time. I didn’t have the energy to take care of a two and three year old.
I would get so frustrated so easily and then feel terrible about myself.
That’s what happens when you’re stressed out and constantly running on empty.
Now that I have put in the effort to work for myself life is so much better. I don’t work nearly as many hours as I once did but make more money.
On top of that I can take Kailyn to school every morning. That’s not something you can put a price tag on.
When my kids are sick they stay home. When the babysitter isn’t available, no problem. If we want to go visit family in the middle of the day we do it.
Plus I can make what I want.
No, life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. And I am not telling you this to brag. (Please don’t take it that way.) The truth is I have tremendous respect for you.
I never knew how hard being a single mom was until I had to do it myself. And that’s the truth.
You are my friend and I just want you to have the life you are supposed to have. A happy one.
So what should you do?
Start on the Side
Please, please don’t quit your day job (yet.) Remember, you’ve got kids to feed and bills to pay. Instead, decide what you want to do to earn money and start on the side.
Clear an hour or two of time each and every day and consistently work toward bringing in extra income. Then as your extra income picks up and your business evolves you’ll have the opportunity of working for yourself.
It takes hard work, lack of sleep, and forced motivation but it’s worth it in the end.
In one year from now you’ll be so happy that you started.
Don’t be a victim of your circumstances. You’re strong and capable. Find a way to make it happen!
Are there any other jobs you can think of that would be fitting for a single mom?
Good post. I remember getting those phone calls when my kid was sick. I am lucky that I have an awesome family that helped me when my child was sick. I work 16/week from home spending time with my special need cousin. It pas me $11/hour and we work on writing, reading, etc. My job is to make sure that I give my aunt some time for herself. I also get paid to babysit too if she needs one. Is not a full time job but is an extra income and so rewarding.
My parents divorced when I was barely 7. It was truly a very tough time for my mom and we were very fortunate to live in Boulder and access all of the services that are available there. I went to YMCA camp, after school stuff, etc. But, in looking back I don’t know how my mom did it. She went to college after the divorce, had me, and worked several crappy jobs at a time. I did get sick and had to take medicine FOR A YEAR!! She had to take time off for that year to get me checked regularly (public health threat-nope won’t say what it was. Am all clear-LOL) I have the upmost respect for parents (coupled/single or otherwise) it’s a lot of energy. You rock Alexa!!
Caught the bug in a foreign country 🙂
Great post! I’ve got a friend who is a single mom and she does day care for other children in her home, so that she’s there when necessary but able to work at the same time 🙂
I have 2 kids- a just turned 7 year old and 8. I also have a good support system in that before my mom used to work nights and if one of my kids got sick either her or my stepdad was able to pick them up from school till i got off of work. Back then it was even harder because i didnt have PTO or vacation days so whatever days i was off was lost income. Now that my mom moved i have a great good of friends/roommates/neighbors who can pick up my kids if i get off late from work. They are also in afterschool care. I’m working more hours at work so i know qualify for PTO so im able to get paid and not lose out money. Most of all my boss is REALLY understanding. Even though my job doesnt pay well that is one thing i don’t take for granted. Any time i need to leave early, come in late, take a day off , call in sick to take care of a sick child(ren) there was never a hesistation from her. I appericiate that so much as a single mom! Its very rare.
I do think that there are so start up costs associated with working from home. You need internet, a laptop/desktop, you need ideas. You need some skills to be able to accomplish this with writing and setting up your website, blog, etc. I’ve given it serious thought about starting a blog , website , etc. but im not ready to give up the day job benefits.
My daughter in law had a normal day job and so did my son. They wanted to spend more time at home also. My daughter didn’t quit her job right away but she stared a business with Itworks and started out making $500-$599 extra a month. She now makes $6,000 /m plus weekly bonuses. She since then quit her job and loves being able to stay home with her babies. You could always check out her website and message her.
Naomim.itworks .com
A friend of mine isn’t a single mom, but she did opt to stay home when she had her first child — and took a pretty decent pay cut! She does day care in her home so that she can be there with her children and still help with the household bills. I think that still falls in line with your tip to work for yourself, though — she is her own boss, sets her own prices, and can turn down work if she needs to.
My wife and I always joked that she would become a stay-at-home mom AFTER the kids started going to school 🙂
I think you’re right. Working for yourself or with some other remote-location type of arrangement is about the best route for single moms. Though it will take a lot of discipline and ambition at times to even find the work, it could end up being very lucrative. Plus you are then not a slave to your job and being told when you can / can’t see your own children.
I have the most mom friendly job (other than working for myself). I have been so lucky to work at a large hospital doing admin on the patient floor. Ninety five percent of the nurses, managers and all the admin staff are women. If anyone gets a call about a sick kid they rest will say “Go we will take care of things here.” They support each other through divorce and death. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to work.
“Ninety five percent of the nurses, managers and all the admin staff are women. If anyone gets a call about a sick kid they rest will say “Go we will take care of things here.” They support each other through divorce and death.”
So no males are applying for these jobs?? Your company doesn’t look at that figure as being seriously discriminatory and try outreach programs to get more male workers to fill vacancies? It’s great that you all support each other, but having worked with women and not ever being treated this compassionately as a male, I have to state that the “own group preference” in this is disheartening. It’s clear that women are only out for themselves and if they could have 100% of the jobs they would with no guilt or remorse. Truly sickening.
Maybe men are not applying. It’s known that there are more female nurses than male. In general men make more money than women in the same field of work so tell me what is more sickning. What could be more discriminatory than that? Please.
Bless your heart… you’re a special kind of stupid…
I worked in businesses where I was the only female and never felt odd. I’ve never ever heard this crazed case you’ve made for the poor men in the world.
Why would you visit a site like this with the intention of spewing hate? I am truly asking. I dont understand what sort of satisfaction could be derived from your actions.
I think that if you can find a way to work online, be it from Blogging or Social Media or whatever.. Then that is the ideal situation for single moms. You are certainly are on the right path, Alexis!
I’m a single mom with a soon-to-be 11yr old. I have an extensive background in communications and the tourism industry but am having a difficult time finding a job that will allow me to be there for my child before and after school, and on ‘off’ school days. I don’t have a very solid support system so I DEPEND primarily on ME right now…
I would LOVE a work from home job but a lot of them require some kind of investment which does not necessarily parlay into legitimate gigs!
I live in the Maryland area. I welcome ANY input as to how to change my situation.
I actually do work from home and it is a simple and fun thing that i can’t even call it work! All i do is post on Facebook or other social media sites and talk to the people who reach out to me and help them reach their health goals. I began back in April 2015 when my son caught RSV from another kid at daycare and i had to take a week off from my full time job, i remember crying over all the stress because i knew missing work would hurt my paycheck and i was already barely getting by. But that day i also came across a post from my friend and i joined the company with the last bit of money i did have. Call it a leap of faith but i jumped and now looking back i couldn’t be happier, but i wish i had started sooner! I now make enough i have cut back on my full time job and i am able to stay home more with my 2yr old son. I went from 40hr work week down to 25-30hr with my full time job. I no longer work weekends and now everyday is so much better! I have provided my email and the website is for my Facebook. Feel free to go add me and let’s talk! I would love to help you as well!
Tiffany ♡
Hi !I’m interested in knowing what you do I too am a single mom and independent contractor with background of holistic health and bodywork modalities .
Hi I am at the point where I have no idea what to do. I am a single mother trying to make enough to move forward in life nd get my own place nd not have to suffer with my crappy full time job I need better so u can do better for my son !! Is there anyway u can help me get there would be great thank you !!
I have tried everything. please help.
Hi , my name is christelle. I would to know what you do, as am looking to work from home as well. Please contact me through [email protected] I would love to have more information regarding your work! Thanks!
Hi Tiffany, I’ve read your comments and I’m amazed at how many strong and determined women are out there. I’m so in dire straits having to support my 6 year old son and my daughter – I have to bring in an income, be flexible to be there for my children – i live in south africa and I would love to have some guidance from you.
How do you start and how much do you make?
I would love to have more k go on what you do working g from home 🙂 I’m a single mom of a just turned 9 and about to be 7 year old. Every day is a stress rollercoaster trying to make ends meet with jist bills, then having to do everything g to get stuff for the house and never being able to just go get something like I need a scientific method to survive. Some days seems easier, others seem like I wanna roll over in bed abd pasd the day. Please contact me! My email is [email protected]
Hello Tiffany, I tried clicking on the link ad it said the page was no longer available. I understand this is over a year and you may have moved on from this. I figured I would try to reply on here and see if I get a response. I am a single mom, I have a job that like for the most part. It is simple, they don’t get pissy if I must leave or take off for my kids however it is not enough money. I have a great resume and could get another job paying more. Now days employers here “single mom” then freak out and not hire you, it doesn’t matter how qualified you are. It’s like you’re a single mom so therefore you’re going to suck at your job because you have children to care for. Right?!?!?
Anyways I have always looked into these work at home jobs. I started one several years ago that seemed legit and almost got arrested before even getting paid. That of course put fear in me to attempt another one. I especially don’t want to pay money that I don’t really have upfront and then end up on the same situation. I am strong willed and eager to find something real.
If you are still available please reply and give me some advice if possible.
Hi are you still working from home?
What is this company? I need it. I have 4 kids, 8 months, 2 yrs, 11 and 14 and I can’t even get a job now cause no one wants to watch them so I can work. My ex, their dad doesn’t want me anymore so I don’t know what to do. The youngest two was his. I had a decent job but I let him get me pregnant again and I quit my job cause we were together and he was taking care of us. Well we had to move cause we couldn’t get him on the lease and now me and my kids are at my parents. I’m 36 and believe me I don’t think we are very welcome here cause my mom complaining about us. We were supposed to get legally married but he started acting “funny”, so I told him he had to leave cause he said we get married that day or never. It was “Monday or never!!” Those were his words…. 🙁 I think our love was one sided and I doubt he even misses me. Anyways. I need a job so bad! Please help me with that job company
So how did that work out Tiffany because your page is gone
Looking for a job. I am a, single mom with a seven month old and a four year old.
I actually do work from home and it is a simple and fun thing that i can’t even call it work! All i do is post on Facebook or other social media sites and talk to the people who reach out to me and help them reach their health goals. I began back in April 2015 when my son caught RSV from another kid at daycare and i had to take a week off from my full time job, i remember crying over all the stress because i knew missing work would hurt my paycheck and i was already barely getting by. But that day i also came across a post from my friend and i joined the company with the last bit of money i did have. Call it a leap of faith but i jumped and now looking back i couldn’t be happier, but i wish i had started sooner! I now make enough i have cut back on my full time job and i am able to stay home more with my 2yr old son. I went from 40hr work week down to 25-30hr with my full time job. I no longer work weekends and now everyday is so much better! I have provided my email and the website is for my Facebook. Feel free to go add me and let’s talk! I would love to help you as well!
Tiffany ♡
Hi Tiffany – I am currently looking for something to do at home after my day job for extra income. I am a single mom of 2 in need of additional income. Could you please send me an e-mail with some information?
Will you be willing to give the name of the company you work for?
Hi Tiffany, please send me you email and face books gets so I can seek some support on providing as single mom
hello I am a single mom to two boys ages 10 and 6. I really need a better job.
I actually do work from home and it is a simple and fun thing that i can’t even call it work! All i do is post on Facebook or other social media sites and talk to the people who reach out to me and help them reach their health goals. I began back in April 2015 when my son caught RSV from another kid at daycare and i had to take a week off from my full time job, i remember crying over all the stress because i knew missing work would hurt my paycheck and i was already barely getting by. But that day i also came across a post from my friend and i joined the company with the last bit of money i did have. Call it a leap of faith but i jumped and now looking back i couldn’t be happier, but i wish i had started sooner! I now make enough i have cut back on my full time job and i am able to stay home more with my 2yr old son. I went from 40hr work week down to 25-30hr with my full time job. I no longer work weekends and now everyday is so much better! I have provided my email and the website is for my Facebook. Feel free to go add me and let’s talk! I would love to help you as well!
Tiffany ♡
Tiffany you are a fraud
I am a single mom and have been off and on for the last 10 years. I have 3 kids one is 24 and getting married in October 2015. I have a 16year old who now lives with her dad. And my son 9 almost 10 who lives with me at the moment. Trying to make ends meet with doctor bills and court fees and the fear of losing my job because I have to take time off. Working from home would make life so much better. Please send me some more information on this.
Thank you
I just came across your post, and wow, as a husband to a mummy blogger, you also have an awesome blog.
My wife and I now work with an awesome company based in the USA that has science backed ground breaking medical products. My wife and I are coming to the USA (From Australia) in October for our conference, because we want to change the lives of as many as we can! We don’t host parties in our homes, or go out and sell. All we do is share the information of our business and products and the rest is really done. I am so blessed to be introduced to this from a lovely friend of ours just as it came to Australia.
I would love you all on this journey with us, and I am more than happy to give you more information if you would like 🙂
Hi I am a 22 year old single mother of a 4 year old boy I work a crappy retail job just to get what I can for my son I currently live with my mom I really want to live my life with my child I work so much and get paid so little and doctor appointments as well as my son getting sick or anything causes an issue at work for me when I need to call out I am extremely interested in doing what u do if u can give me information on this I would be so happy would love to do this !!! Thank you
Hi, i live in australia and totally keen to find out more – please contact me so I can get started!
I have been a single mom with MS for many years now. I do have full time job with rising medical costs and expensive medicine and equipment and the costs of raising a child I needed to find a way to make more money. Then a friend my friend introduced me to work from home company. now i get paid to travel and my business is growing. Best move I have made. #opportunitytab #joinus
This is exactly what I needed to read. I am a soon-to-be single mom, sharing the responsibility with my ex, but this past week all of the following happened (we still live together): I was fired from a brand new job I was banking on, for ‘taking initiative’, (battle axe, what do you do), I left a decent job that was paying the bills to do that because it meant more money, our landlord just said they are selling the house we rent early next year and we need to save huge to separate (yes, we rent because years ago my ex had cancer and savings went out the window as the former owned house fell apart and ‘pregnant me’ was too much a mess to work so I took care of him best I could). So there it is. No job, home hunting, single-ish parenting, plus, I’m an emotional wreck. I’m ok with being single and things are amicable but I’m just frustrated. Every admin job makes me want run for the hills, but I’m struggling as a writer. I understand your ‘being mean and grumpy’, I have been living with my ex in a relatively loveless scenario with all the ups and downs and job problems, it’s really really tough. We are more like family but not romantic. And no hugs or hands held. It’s horrible and then we have a child to rear and to teach about love and connection and life and homework. There is NO time for yourself. And when there is, it’s not much or borrowed. We are in the same boat with little in the way of ‘help.’ I get it too. So hard to juggle when you just want to scream and throw your hands in the air out of frustration. Still, I will get there and this amazing post gave me new courage. Thank you ever so much. I will keep on working hard and moving forward. One day everything will fall into place… I look forward to that.
I am a single mom and I am currently in nursing school. I have a mortgage, among other bills and 2 girls . It is definitely a challenge. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Nicola, if you’d like to start earning extra money or working from home full-time, here is an article on the blog that offers details on how to get started with some of the best-paying online jobs depending on your interests and what skills you have:
Hi Tiffany, please send any info on what you do my way… it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Tiffany, I am a single mom of a 1 year old. I have been looking for work for so long it seems and I just cannot seem to land a position because of my availability and daycare is just not in my price range. I would love to
Learn more so that I can start earning income online. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you very soon!
I have been a single Mum (I’m Australian) since 2008. My son is now 18. I never recieved any support – ever. This is really a great article and I don’t think you are bragging at all. It is so important to find a job working for yourself as it makes the journey that much smoother. I too worked for a boss for the first 3 years and every time I needed to be there for my son when he was sick or school holidays or I needed to do school related things…..well, let”s just say my former boss and co-workers made my life a living hell. Still, it was useful because I worked that job from 8:00am to 12:30pm and it allowed me to set up a cleaning business (my side hustle) in the other half of the day. When I finally had to quit the other job due to stress, I wasn’t left with no job at all and was able to build up the rest of the business within 2-3 months. Whilst cleaning is not glamorous and is very demanding, it allowed me to be my own boss. I was be there for my son before and after school, take him to after school activities and be there when he was sick and needed me.
No regrets here!
Thank you for your post. I am a single mom of 2 girls and lately I’ve been feeling run down. Pretty much exactly the way you described. I work a full time job Mon-Fri, the hours are perfect, however I can never get my head above water. I feel like I’m always playing catch up. Its a constant struggle of what should I pay this week and put of until next week. I need to make more money, I just don’t know where to start. I cant live like this anymore. Its not fair to my girls…
I was self employed as a Carrier for a trucking company 2013 – 2017. I recently closed the business and have ben having a hard time finding employment. I babysat for a while but only had one (1) consistent child with a few in between children. Can you make any suggestion? I have 120 college credits, high school diploma and was a Business Center Manager for FedEx for 4 years. I would like to work from home – Please help!
This post has some ideas that can help you out –
I’m in that position right now. I work for a doctor’s office and don’t get paid enough to pay all of my bills on time so my credit is suffering. But most importantly I have a 10yr old daughter with high anxiety and a 2 yr old that catches cold anytime some one sneezes. I’m a full time single mom and only get support for 1 child. My question to you is what type of business would you suggest starting into? Blogging? Cleaning? Crafting?
That really depends on what you’re good at. I’m sorry. I wish I had a better answer but there’s no one size fits all solution.
I’ve read it.
I really like it. You’re wonderful.
I am a single mother of three girls. I was a landscaper before I had my third child. I won’t go into too many details of my life yet I am a currently jobless living off of temporarily cash assistance. I do not have a degree I am unable to go back to school to switch career fields and I suffer from clinical depression. I came to this blog with hopes to find some answers but I only found reminders of the hardship that a faced when I was employed. I hope one day the workforce will become more family-friendly. Technology has advanced in ways that should provide single mothers with the opportunity to work from home or at least have the flexibility to work less, go back to school to earn a decent pay. The state assistance is not single mother-friendly either and there is no relief for a single mother with a disability. Where should I go for help? Who or what is out there for a mother in my situation? I have exhausted all of my options to no avail. I need some solid answers and I need them asap.