Want to earn a little extra money in your spare time? User Testing is looking for people to test websites and apps and offer their feedback.
If you’re frustrated with how websites and apps work, or don’t work, you can now be part of the solution and get paid for it!
How Do I Work with User Testing?
To get started, you’ll need to complete a sample test. You can do that by visiting the User Testing website, entering your email address, and clicking “sign me up.” You’ll be sent a sample test and provide some basic information. If you pass the sample test, you’ll immediately be able to start accepting jobs.
Jobs are posted based on the demographic information you provide and the companies looking for testers within your demographic. Once accepting, you’ll start receiving emails notifying you of testing opportunities. New tests are posted daily.
There are a few different types of testing that you can do to get paid:
Website and App Testing – each test consists of a 20-minute recording and answers to 4 follow-up written questions. This type of testing pays $10 for each completed 20-minute test.
Live Conversation Testing – this is a live video conference call with the website or app company at a scheduled date and time. You will go through the website or app in real-time with the company watching how you manage the site and asking you to perform website or app tasks. The Live Conversation testing pays $60 per completed online video conversation.
It’s important to note that, while customers very rarely ask for a refund, on the occasion that they are not satisfied with your test and request a refund, you will not be paid for that test.
How Do I Get Paid?
Payment for testing is through PayPal. There are no other payment options so you will need to have a verified PayPal account. Payment is made directly to your PayPal account seven days after a test is completed and payments are sent daily. If you completed tests 3 days in a row, you will receive payment 3 days in a row starting 7 days after your first test is completed.
Please note that taxes are not withheld from payments so you will be responsible for your own taxes.
If you’d like to get started testing websites and apps and getting paid, visit User Testing and sign up today!
Are There Other Fun Ways to Earn Extra Money?
Yes! If you’re looking for other ways to earn a little extra money there are a ton of opportunities – it all depends on what you enjoy doing.
Check out these ideas:
15+ Companies that Will Pay for Your Opinion
6 Mystery Shopping Companies with an A Rating from the BBB
How to Earn Money with Your Smart Phone
Nice info for single moms to earn money online
really interesting and good way to earn extra money also during your 9-5 job