You work hard to start your own side business and earn your money and that money should be well spent. So, instead of my usual posts about making extra money today’s post is all about saving money, particularly, by shopping online.
Shopping online is by far one of the easiest ways to save money. With a couple clicks of a button you can easily compare prices and find coupon codes.
Chippmunk is still a relatively new service that allows you to set your own budget and find deals and coupon codes accordingly. I wanted to go over a couple of ways that you can successfully use the features of Chippmunk to score fabulous deals on just about anything.
Find Deals on Christmas Gifts
It’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that Christmas is next month. Now that I’m divorced and my ex-husband and I do shared parenting I’m really just hoping he lets me have the girls on Christmas morning this year.
(We get along good and make holiday plans as we go. I’m hoping I can keep them Christmas Eve night and that he’ll pick them up Christmas day. I can’t imagine having a Christmas morning without them. We’ll see……)
I love buying my girls Christmas gifts. There’s nothing better than seeing the expressions on their face when they open up a gift they completely love. And the cute things they say to show appreciation? Priceless.
BUT, because I love their cute, surprised faces so much it’s easy for me to go a bit overboard when it comes to buying them gifts. And, since I am still on mission unspoil the kids, this is where Chippmunk’s budget feature helps.
You simply choose the department or store you want to search, choose your budget amount, and Chippmunk will recommend stores that will fit your budget and also show whatever coupon codes are available. It couldn’t be any easier!
Find Deals for Your Business
Next to family and friends my various online businesses are important to me. Luckily online businesses have a relatively low overhead but expenses do pop up.
A few months ago my trusty laptop just up and quit working. Obviously I have to have a computer to work so I (reluctantly) headed to Walmart and purchased a new laptop. I hate it. It’s a new version, has the new Windows (which I also hate with a passion), and is so freaking slow. I really wish I would have taken some time to find a better computer to suit my needs.
When I start making and saving a little more money I plan on buying a new laptop. For now this one suffices but I still really dislike it.
I searched for electronics on Chippmunk that were in my desired budget amount and found that I could save up to 15 percent off on places like Office Depot.
Laptops aren’t the only thing you can save money on. Try your hand at it the next time you need supplies for your business. You can save on just about everything.
What Do You Think?
There are tons of ways to save money by shopping online. You’re working hard to earn your money so it’s best to spend it smart and save money on purchases whenever possible.
How do you save money by shopping online?
I keep hearing about Chippmunk! I’ll have to check it out =)
Sounds like a great service! This is the first I’ve heard of Chippmunk, but it sounds like something worth checking out.
I strongly suggest checking out – It’s a Chrome-browser based extension that I have been using. Super simple to get some promo codes. I am going to have to test Chippmunk against Honey but Honey has been good for me so far
The Warrior
It sounds like an interesting service. The paradox of choice seems to be at play with most of our consumer purchases: there are simply too many options for a single consumer to wade through, evaluate, and decide upon. A service that can apply logic to reduce the number of choices and automate that process provides some real value. Thanks for the review.
I always waited for a discount or sale promos. I checked out chipmunk website and yes it is truly a good website where you can avail lots of discounts.
Hope you get to have your girls on Christmas morning too, I know exactly how you feel about having them when you wake up. I’ve not ever heard of Chippmunk so I’ll have to go over and check it out. One of my favorite places to visit and shop is You earn a refund on some of the stores that are partners with eBates. Great way to earn a little money back on the Christmas purchases.
I could say “thanks” to whoever started online shopping. Indeed, the savings you can get especially with deals and coupons, etc. With Chipmunks and how they made online shopping even greater, Christmas shopping can really be fun.