If you’re new here I’ve posted income reports ever since I started this blog, four years ago. I initially had goals of making a few hundred dollars per month and then slowly growing that amount. Luckily, that’s what I’ve been able to do.
In 2012 I decided that earning money online was going to be the only way I could create the life I wanted living in a small town with no good job options. I dove in head first and started trying things out. I’ve failed at sooo many different things and have had great successes with others.
As of now I earn an income through being a freelance writer, virtual assistant, and blogger. (And yes, I know how crazy that sounds to most people!)
December 2016 Income Report
I had predicted December to be a low month and it would’ve been – only on December 31st I received a large affiliate payment that I wasn’t expecting for a couple more months. This payment boosted December up to my second highest month for the year!
December was also a month where I didn’t work all that much. My girls were off of school for two and half weeks (they were supposed to go back last Thursday but our first big snowfall this winter postpone that.) When they were home I worked efficiently and spent the rest of the time with them.
After that break I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the world 🙂
In December my total income came to $8,872.31.
As a reminder the income in this report is that money that was actually received during month. It does not necessarily reflect the amount of work done in that particular month.
The income broke down like this:
- Freelance Writing/Virtual Assistant Work $1,500
- Blog Ad Networks $2,350.54
- Affiliate Commissions $4,871.77
- Sponsored Posts $150
If you’re confused about what any of this means you can see a breakdown here.
Recommended Blogging Tools
If you’re wondering what tools I recommend for blogging, here’s a list:
Domains and Web Hosting –Bluehost. If you’re interested in blogging but haven’t yet started you can get hosting from Bluehost for as little as $2.95 per month PLUS a free domain name when you go through this link which is just for my readers. If you need help getting set up you can find a step by step tutorial here.
Social Media Scheduling – For Pinterest I use Tailwind. I started using this about a year ago with great results. Tailwind is affordable and super easy to use. You can get a free month of Tailwind with this link.
I’m also subscribed to Hootsuite as I used to use this for scheduling my virtual assistant clients Twitter accounts. I still use it for mine. Although, truth be told I don’t really love it and could probably do without.
For Facebook I just use the built in Facebook scheduler.
Bookkeeping – GoDaddy Bookkeeping. I absolutely love this bookkeeping software. You can read my full review here.
Photos – I find a good majority of my photos on Pexels. This site is free with copyright free images. If I can’t find one there I’ll buy an image off of 123rf.com or look for one on Haute Chocolate which I also have a subscription to.
I use PicMonkey to edit all of my photos.
Best Blogging Course – Elite Blog Academy. If you’re looking for the best blogging course I highly recommend Elite Blog Academy. It is expensive but it was what helped me go from a couple thousand dollars per month to at least $5k per month. (Join the waiting list or read my review here.)
2015 vs. 2016 and What’s New for This Year
I made a lot of changes at the end of 2015 which I carried over to the beginning of 2016.
First, I kept implementing many of the principles I learned in Elite Blog Academy and was able to keep growing my blog income until it got to a level I was very happy with. At first I was scared I wouldn’t be able to sustain it but after several months I decided blog income was steady enough for me to cut back on some of my freelance work.
I started transitioning out of freelance work in 2015 and by April of 2016 was down to where I wanted it to be. I ended up keeping only the freelance work that fit into my life the way I wanted and that I enjoyed doing.
I figured that even if my blog income completely tanked I now have the skills to make money in a variety of ways online. If I ever need extra money I can pick up writing gigs, VA work or social media management jobs. The possibilities are endless!
Despite getting my freelance work the way I wanted it I still felt some major blogging burnout in 2016. Even though I was earning a lot more I wasn’t enjoying blogging the way I used to.
This year I want to go back to enjoying everything I do and so I’m pulling myself out of the box I’ve put myself into. I plan to share more personal stuff, experiment and just enjoy what I’m doing without placing any expectations on myself.
I ended up earning over $20,000 more in 2016 than I did in 2015 which blows my mind. It’s crazy to think that not too long ago I was earning $20,000 in a year!!
I haven’t set any income goal for 2017 and am not sure if I’m going to. (Again, I want to feel like I am free to experiment and do as I please without placing expectations on myself. )
2016 was good and I’m thankful for everything it brought. I’m looking forward to this year even more. Here’s to an amazing 2017 for ALL OF US!!
Wow! So exciting to see your growth. I remember when you were living in your trailer with your girls and just getting started with this whole online adventure! You have done an amazing job 🙂
I am just starting my own online adventure in 2017. Already have my domain, hosting and theme. I bit the bullet and decided to purchase EBA now. I felt it was wise to try and start off on the right foot from the beginning ( even though EBA was a big investment).
Sounds like EBA ended up being a great investment for you too!
It was a great investment! Especially since at the time I wasn’t earning much and since I also bit the bullet and paid for it I was determined to follow through with it. If you follow it you’ll definitely be starting out on the right foot! Congrats!!
Alexa – Thank you for posting your online income reports. They certainly keep me motivated and inspired!! As stated above, it’s exciting to see your growth! 🙂
Awesome work Alexa! I’m so happy for you. As long as you keep helping others, success will continue to come your way. Looking forward to all you will do this year. Blessings…
Alexa! Thanks for posting these each month – it definitely puts blogging into a perspective, the long term game but definitely worth it! Great start!
Thanks! Yes, looking back you can definitely tell that things get easier with time 🙂
This is really awesome. I’m just starting out and am a single mama as well. This really keeps me motivated.
I’m glad you find it helpful 🙂
Wow, I hope to have the same results you do in four years. I just started my blog a few months ago and it’s nice to put my thought in writing. Hopefully one day it will earn some money.
Stick with it and the opportunities will come 🙂
Alexa, I have NOOO idea where to start! But I need to do something, I’m drowning here!