Professional bloggers are an enterprising bunch. Some of us have a lot to say and really love what we do. We’d blog even if we weren’t making money (but, of course, the money doesn’t hurt). Other bloggers just want to create a site that generates passive income. There’s nothing wrong with that approach at all, and even the most creative writing blogger out there could probably stand to learn a lot from this latter group.
That’s because money is important to every successful blogger. It’s what makes our jobs feasible. It can be nice to get to the point where a blog is more than paying for itself, where past content and advertising bring home the bacon without too much in the way of daily maintenance. This is an exciting place to be. Once a blog becomes passive income, at least partially, we start to wonder if there are other ways we could use our time which could bring in more passive income.
For people who work on the internet frequently, there are plenty of ways. Investments and speculations are coming out of the woodwork all the time, and it’s easy to get into these markets without a tremendous amount of money. For short term investing, spread betting through trusted platforms like ETX Capital immediately comes to mind. Spread betting allows users to make value speculations on different financial entities, receiving dividends if the prices change in their chosen direction after a certain time interval.
Other investment models take a little more time than spread betting (which can be completed in just minutes, if you want), but offer a little more in the way of investment security. Investment options like Motif investing offer automatic diversification through cheaply-traded bundles of stocks called motifs. Some of these motifs are even composed of ETFs, which are themselves widely diversified.
Another interesting way to make a little extra money is through political futures markets that are now legal in the United States. These markets are based on gambling, plain and simple, but they are legal because science wants to determine if betting markets produce more accurate predictive results than traditional polling (they do!). By putting a little money into the market, you can have fun watching to see if your future outlook is accurate. Many times you’ll be able to make your investment back many times over if you anticipate an outcome that few others anticipate.
You could always start another blog. If you know how to manage blogs well and your current blog is running smoothly, why not start another? Your knowledge of search engine optimization, site building, and content management will cross over to any other site you could ever start. It’ll be a lot easier to make this blog a success, so why not do it when you have a little extra time in your schedule.
There are plenty of internet-ready side hustles that are perfect for the professional blogger. You already spend a lot of your time online. Make that time work for you even more efficiently.