When I first started this blog I was working two jobs – one doing bookkeeping for a department store and the other as an insurance agent. In March of this year I quit the bookkeeping job after feeling completely overwhelmed and then struggled to make ends meet while working at the insurance agency.
I really began to grow hatred for my job, which is a horrible feeling. The fact is that for the most part I like the people I work with. But, netting a little over $300 a week was barely paying my bills. I dreaded walking through the door every day.
Then just a short couple of months ago I got serious with freelancing. Last month I made twice as much freelancing than I did from my day job and I’m on track this month to do the same.
Weighing Risk & Reward
I have been living on the income from my day job and have only dipped into my emergency fund a few times (like when my laptop died). Because of this I have been able to save a good bit of money.
As far as increasing my freelance income goes, I’m limited by time. I spend 32 hours a week at day my job. The rest of my time is divided between my kids, writing, and sleep. I keep thinking – if only I had more time I could really make freelancing work. So I have to make a decision.
Should I spend 32 hours a week of my time working for a little over $300 or should I rededicate my time to a venture that I enjoy and that makes me much more money?
The answer seems pretty clear.
Taking Action
I originally made a goal to quit my job in February. This gave me six months to save up my emergency fund of $10,000 and to also find and keep consistent work.
Well, since then I have made a lot more money than expected and my emergency fund is now sitting at a little over $7,000. I work with several different clients and I am pretty confident in my freelance job hunting skills. If I were to lose a client I’m certain that I would be able to find a replacement in a reasonable amount of time.
I also have my $7,000 to fall back on and plan to keep growing this. Plus I’m used to living on a very low income.
After taking all of this into consideration I decided I had no other choice than to take action. My reward is far greater than my risk.
So, last week I gave my boss a one month notice.
And, I feel like I owe it all to you. Thank you to every single person who reads this blog. If I hadn’t been posting my goals on here for you to see I don’t think I could have ever done this. Thank you to every one of you who has encouraged me, sent me a nice email, commented on my posts, or gave me advice. I would not have been able to do this without having people who really believe in me.
The strange thing is I am not even nervous about making the switch – it just feels like the right thing to do. I am sure being on my own, now in the job sense, will be a roller-coaster but I just can’t wait!
Congratulations Alexa you’re ahead of schedule. Look forward to reading all your freelance articles.
Thank You!! 😀
Congrats on the one month notice! I think sometimes it’s definitely worth taking risks to get to where you want to be. Looking forward to following your life as a freelancer.
Thanks!! I think in my case the rewards far out weigh the risk!
Yeehaw. Super excited for you girl. Big huge congratulations.
Thank you, Taynia!! 🙂
Alexa, I’m so excited for you!!! Glad you are finally making the switch, and don’t worry, you’ll do just fine (and even better than that) at it. Congrats. 🙂
Thank you, Laurie!!
Yay! Congrats! I haven’t announced it on my blog yet, but I put in my one month notice the other day as well 🙂
YAY!!! Awesome! I was hesitant about putting on my blog but glad I did. Congrats to you!
Wow as well Michelle!! Congrats and all the best towards your success 🙂
Take care.
Wow this is huge for both of you! Congrats on your decisions and your success! Hard work really does pay off!
Wow, congrats Alexa! You really crushed that timeline. Just goes to show the power of setting goals and really working towards them. Can’t wait to hear more about the transition.
Thanks, Matt!
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It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!
If you’re looking to buy these articles make it way easier.
I’m shocked that I found this info so easily.
Geez, that’s unbelievable. Kudos and such.
Congrats Alexa! You’re a great writer and I have no doubt you’ll be able to find all the freelancing you need while continuing to grow your own blog.
This is awesome! Congrats to you!
The time you will free up will be amazing, and you’ll also free up energy. Your business income is going to double, I just know it.
Congratulations!! So excited for you. I have a feeling you will do just fine! Keep it up!
I’m new to your blog, but have been following your transition to self-employment. It’s very inspiring!
Congratulations Alexa!!
I’m so happy for you! Since I started reading your blog a few months ago, I’ve been following your path to quitting your job and you’ve really inspired me!
So, Thank You for the inspiration as well and GOOD LUCK with freelancing and growing your own blog. I look forward to seeing how your blog grows and reading about your new experiences.
“So, last week I gave my boss a one month notice.” – AWESOME!!!!!!!! 🙂
Way to go Alexa! You did it!! I realize it may seem a bit scary, but you have faith in yourself which many never find or recognize.
And thank YOU for being honest and transparent with us all. You are an inspiration for those feeling the same as you but not knowing how to move forward.
Take care and my best to you and yours.
Congratulations! I have no doubt you will be successful.
Wooohooo! That’s incredible. I’m so confident that this is the right decision for you, and kudos for taking the leap.
Wow you really moved up that timeline! Good job with that and good luck with freelancing. I have no doubt that you will do great with that and with this blog. While there is always some risk, I think the rewards heavily outweigh them, plus you have a rock solid plan in place and an emergency fund.
Congrats! You and your girls deserve this. I expect that you will exceed expectations once again!
Congratulations, Alexa. I love reading stories like this. Good luck. It doesn’t sound like you need luck though, you have skills, drive and determination on your side and that’s what really matters.
How exciting! Sounds like you made the right choice for your career and your family.
Fantastic! Congrats on the big move. When I was a planner and would help people evaluate the size of their emergency fund, the first question we’d always address was, “How easy will it be for you to replace this income?” I agree: because you’ve made it your business to become a pro at finding opportunities, you’ll easily replace a lost client.
That’s fantastic news! Congrats!!
See!!! You had it in you. I’m very proud of you. Like I said before you are an inspiration. Nothing but up, girl.
Congrats, how exciting! I am sure you’ll be very successful. It seems like a no-brainer to make the switch when you’ve been making more money from freelancing – the sky is the limit.
You are my inspiration! I’m going to start building my own blog.
Wow, Alexa, you are SUCH AN INSPIRATION! I love your honesty about what’s happening in your life. You’re human, we all are, and it’s nice to see a talented young woman taking life by storm! I am certain you’ll be a raging success and rake in the money. You deserve it!
Wow! Congrats. When you put the goal out there for all the world to see, it’s amazing how fast you work to get it. Best of luck in your new career.
Good for you! It just goes to show that if you make a plan and have goals you can get there with some hard work and dedication!
Very exciting Alexa! I can relate to that feeling of not feeling nervous. When I took the plunge I expected to be scared, nervous, etc. but I felt calm and ready to jump into what life had for us as a family. Congrats!
Good things do really come to those who work their asses off. Congratulations and wish you all the best on the quest you are embarking on.
WoW! Am so proud of you and your daughter’s will appreciate how much more you’ll be able to be around because you won’t be working away from home. You are about to live my dream!
I have only recently found your blog but I have to say I am enjoying it a lot. I am very happy for you as you are about to embark on this exciting adventure. I am sure you will make it work, I love your writing!
Congratulations! I have followed your blog for awhile, and I wish you well. This will serve as inspiration to others that making dreams come true is possible. I look forward to your future writings.
Ahh! I am so excited and happy for you! This is fantastic news. You will be so successful in this venture; think about how many more freelancing clients you’ll get with an extra 32 hours a week for writing. Congratulations. 🙂
Yahoo that’s awesome work and so inspiring! I’ve got a 6 month plan to resign from my job. I’d love it of I could bring that timeframe forward like you.
Congratulations! That is really incredible and such an exciting move. You are now your own boss!
This is amazing news Alexa, I’m so happy for you and your family, you will be so much happier!!