Have you ever wondered if those ads claiming that you can make $100 a day posting ads is legitimate?
To be honest I always rolled my eyes and laughed when I saw one. And then shortly after, started feeling sorry for anyone who actually fell for this.
But then I got to thinking…..wouldn’t it be fun to give this a try so I could legitimately tell you what a big, fat scam this is? Yep, sounds fun.
So for the past couple of days I’ve delved into the deep, dark world of posting ads for money.
Here’s what I found, expose-style!
Build My Income Daily Review
So I wanted to check around with a couple different places that claimed you could make money posting ads. When I Googled it this video came up… (video no longer available)
Her link was a cloaked link (a link that had a different name than the website you’re about to visit) after clicking on her link I came upon a fishy website.
I felt nervous entering my email because I thought I was going to instantly get a virus or something. But I did it anyway.
I clicked the confirmation in my email and was brought to this page.
You only have to pay $119.95 to work! What an amazing deal! #justkidding
To give them credit they do try to make this page look convincing. There’s a video posted that appears to be from ABC News about the benefits of working from home. You’re warned.
Number one Work From Home Rule: You NEVER (and I mean NEVER) have to pay someone to let you work. That’s backwards.
This is obviously a HUGE scam and needless to say I didn’t sign up.
If I did I’m pretty sure the whole thing would work like this:
- I would go around spamming places like YouTube, Facebook, Craigslist, and Blogs telling people how they could make hundreds of dollars per day posting ads. I would use my special cloaked affiliate link.
- If someone clicked through my affiliate link I would get paid $100 and the scammy company would get to keep $20
- This is multilevel marketing – the worst form of it possible.
You aren’t really selling anything or posting ads. You’re simply lying to people in hopes that they fork over $119.95 for a “fast and easy way to make money.”
Onto the next one……
Cap Rewards Review
The next company I found was actually the very first result that came up in Google. I was really hoping it might be more legit.
I filled out my information to create an account, confirmed my email and then was presented with this screen…
An option to pay $50/month or choose a free account. And the $50/month option was conveniently already checked. I’m not an idiot so I obviously chose the free account.
I proceed and was given the option to post ads for three different companies.
I was told to post these ads in blogs, forums, social media, google adwords (cost money), or yahoo advertising (cost money). I thought it was pretty crazy that they would suggest I pay for advertising in Google which would probably cost me $1 or more per click so that they could pay me $0.10 per click.
Anyway here is the payment terms for the particular ad that I chose to post. The white column is the free account and the blue column is the $50/month account.
Um no thanks.
So on this – can you make money posting ads? Yes but it’s not going to be worth your time – at all. And secondly it’s still a very, very spammy practice.
On to the next one…..
Unique Income Source Review
Third times a charm, right?
At least the thought slightly crossed my mind when I landed on my third option. You see, this website was a little different than the rest. It actually explained (with screenshots) what you would be doing and stated that there where thousands of companies to work with.
So I scrolled to the bottom of the page looking for the sign up.
And to my disappointment this company wanted you to pay $24.97 to be a “team member.”
So, again another #epicfail.
I’m pretty disappointed because I really thought this last one was going to be legit – it at least sounded the most promising of the three, but I was wrong.
We’re 3 for 3 in the shady department.
The consensus of my research is to run far and fast if anyone ever tells you that you can get rich (or even earn extra spending money) from posting ads. I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Looking to make extra cash? You can check out the 19 BEST Money Making Apps of 2019 here.
What do you think? Have you ever tried any of these places? Any other companies you want to warn others about? And lastly, do you know of any legitimate places to earn money posting ads?
I’ve been tuning in to your blog every Monday for the past several weeks. You are doing a great job. Keep it up.
I think the best blogs are those where the blogger comes across as a genuine person. You seem to be very genuine. 🙂
Thanks so much!
I was actually considering one of these sites. It’s very unfortunate because I would give anything to be able to stay home with my kids and still make money. I hate being away from them knowing when they need their mom I can’t always be there. Sigh. Someone needs to come up with something where you can actually accomplish staying home where you’re needed and still provide for your family. Thank you for bringing this to light… You saved me money.
Sykes is a stay at home company that’s legit but I have to have a office and you need a quiet place
Tell me more I’m curious
Hsn hires for work from home. About $11 per hour plus commissions with benefits. I know someone who does this.
Thanks for the tip, Lori!
More information about this thank u.
Yea, I’m also a mom and was pretty close to falling for it. Money back guarantee makes you want to take a chance. Thanks for your research.
Subscribe to RatRaceRebellion to your email to get listings of screened, legitimate ways to earn money at home.
Hey Alexia, my name is Bonnie and Im pretty much doing the exact same thing your doing. I started a blog a few months back and for just starting out I think its going ok, but Im a very single mom with three kids under three. Newborn, 1 and 2. Its impossable to go to work rite now, its almost impossable to work on the computer, but everyday I get up at five in the morning and write my blog and really try hard to find every way possable to make money online without being scammed…Well now that I know the in’s and out’s Im on the rite track, and since Im new to blogging I ran across the whole idea of guest blogging…Since our lives are so similar I thought we could try and work together. My blog needs some cleaning up a little, it dosent look like everyone elses lol, but people like what I write and I see you have a lot of followers, I would love to hear how you make money online, my ship is gonna sink soon, and I would love to hear from you how you do it. , if you get a chance email me, from there maby if things sound good I’ll send you my number and we can link up.
Bonnie Sherwood… Hope to hear back
Hi my name is Shumaila Hussain. Now a days everyday I open the laptop and search for online business today I came to your searching for online business but you make me scared boonie told a right thing we should make one place where all the stayed home mother can share their experience and do Little help with each other please contact me also I also need a guidance in blogging thanks Alexa and boonie
Deleted by admin…
Snarky little thing, aren’t you?
Bonnie is most likely not used to writing or speaking English. I’m sure she knows how important it is to cut out slang and errors in her blog. In this case, she was just commenting lol who cares as long as it’s readable.
Bonnie, there are lots of ways to make money online legitimately.
If writing isn’t your strongest attribute, ( such as myself) then you focus on the million other options… not a blog or freelance writing. Email me and i will give you a ton of super lucrative tips on how to make money that is worth the time spent chasing it. As my experience has led me to believe, It’s best to go about this “online making money world” as a harmonious mixture of being an employee of a 9-5 job, and initially the CEO of a small business. If you ever have to sign up for a membership to earn money or if you ever have to pay someone else to be able to make money, then it is obviously a scam. i will show you how to make money first, and then after you make your said income online, in order to grow your online business you can take a small percentage of your earnings and reinvest it in other online business ventures that cost money (not paying someone else but perhaps buying a domain name in the future instead of using a host website) again there are millions of lucrative ways to earn a living online and i know a great deal about it. as a matter of fact if anybody is interested in learning a thing or two or would like to share ideas feel free to email me. there is enough money to be made for us all and i think sharing legitimate knowledge instead of baiting new entrepreneurs with false promises and scams the online marketing world can only become more reliable and beneficial for everyone involved. E-Mail- [email protected]
Hi Damian,
I came across your reply toBonnie and am hoping you can help me get started making money online. I spent alot of time and some money checking out affiliate marketing and using Clickbank but I quickly got overwhelmed with all the steps involved in setting up a website. hopefully you can help. I recently retired and my income covers my bills and debts but leaves me nothing for personal expenses like food and I am deciding how to close the gap.
Hi i’m Hamza can you plz help me for add posting plz.
There is no ad posting. It’s a scam – a chain scheme at best. I suggest you look elsewhere for work.
Just tried Facebook ad we’ll have advertised on there for almost 2 years now but when I tried to make money. They would raise the price for an ad (promote) event- way more than anyone could afford to pay for the audience I target then when they approve 1 out of so so many different angles,I thought ok this one is in my price range & fair then one minute later it showed your ad is approved for the second time that cost 4 times as much as I agreed to
I would also run far far away from these types of companies, that’s for sure! Just wanted to tell you as well, I love your writing style! This is the first time I’m on your blog, but I will definitely be back! 😀
Thanks, Sune. I definitely appreciate it!
I keep reading all these dam success stories, with get rich quick schemes! Except would only like to see one red cent materialize from any of this!
Don’t show me your money, show me how to keep mine?
Ugh, I hate to think of anyone forking over money for the privilege of spamming the web! Perhaps the only way to really make money from posting ads is by offering your services to potential clients through a site like Elance or Fiverr.
I know what you mean. I hate companies like these that promise people they’ll make money. It’s sooo wrong. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night doing something like that.
Ha! Well, I didn’t think this was a good money making avenue, but thanks to your diligent research, we can now safely go back to making money the old fashioned way! 🙂
Haha….yes, go back to the old fashioned way 😉
Great post, Alexa! Really good detective (research) work, I must say. Thanks for helping people who may be thinking of trying this. I’ve tweeted, for what it’s worth, to get the word out.
Thank you. I really appreciate it!
Another great post!
The gal in the video … I think she is on coke cuz of that big sniffle she has…. hmmm
Thanks, Christie! Yeah something is up for sure!
Hello there I just read your post on if posting ads r real because I have a women named Jennifer that keeps messing me on fb telling me I can make thousands of dollars a week just posting ads on fb and tells me too watch the video and then to join all’s u have to pay is like u said 24.97 and that I will be charged this every month intells u don’t need a couch any more so this is probably a scam then and web u tell her what’s the company’s name so I can check it out she never answers my questionsshe say she will after u join
It’s a pyramid scheme. I see these on Facebook all the time. All you’ll be doing is posting on Facebook and telling other people to pay the $25/month just like she told you to.
wow be nice
Wow what a great overview on this! So many people think that all online jobs are a scam because of examples like these. If you have to pay money to make money, then it’s probably a scam. Easy as that!
Unless you’re paying money for a course or eBook (which you should still research, read reviews ets.) you should in no way pay to work. It’s sad that there are companies out there preying on people.
That was extremely entertaining to read. I think you hit the nail on the head: If you have to pay someone to work, then it’s not legitimate. There are far better and way easier methods to making money online.
Because if you think about it the company should be making a percentage of what you make by posting ads. Therefore you’d have to pay nothing. The sad thing is that they try really hard to make these scams look legit and I’m sure many people get sucked in.
so how do you do legitimately make money online
Sounds like it was all a scam! Too bad because it does sound like it could have potential. I had a phone interview this week for a sales job that wanted me to pay for warm leads.. Lol uh #nothanks. You are right. Never pay in order to work. That’s just backwards!
Yeah no kidding. You would think that they would give you the leads if they were hiring you for a sales job. It just doesn’t make sense.
Oh my gosh, this was fascinating!! I always wanted to know if there was a shred of legitimacy to this, but now we know for sure it’s all a scam. Thanks for the expose!
I always wondered how it worked too. I can legitimately say that this is nothing but a scam and the only way you can make money is if you trick other people. No good there! I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night!
I am pretty curious if there are any people who actually try this. I believe that there are since so many similar websites exist. Since I started blogging I learned (the hard way sometimes) that any program that promises you will get rich with no or little work is a scam. There’s no such thing. There never was.
I’m sure many people fall for this. Especially since these types of sites claim you can make hundreds of dollars per day by doing a couple hours worth of work!
I’ve always assumed things like this are a scam, but thanks for going through the effort of actually checking 🙂 I’m curious what you get for actually paying on these sites. It’d almost be worth trying, then requesting a refund. If they refuse a refund, could you make money by suing them or something? Anyway, thanks for trying these sites. Now, go clear the cookies on your browser.
Thanks for reminding me. I do need to clear my cookies!
It would be interesting to see what you got after signing up. I’d be interested in doing it for the first one just because its the one claiming you can make hundreds of dollars a day.
It might be worth the $120 to jut get it all laid out there. Maybe I’ll try it one day 🙂
Great research. I think one of the only legitimate ad revenue sources is google adsense- although it is such a little amount at least for me that I’m still not sure if it worth having the ads on my site.
I have found a genuine way to make some money online. It requires a little time and effort in the beginning, like anything in life the more you put in the more you get out.
If you have an ebay account and about an hour or two each day there is a good chance you can make a reasonable amount of money with this opportunity.
So Zano what is this way to make money with ebay? I’m sure we’d all love to hear of a LEGIT
So Zano what is this way to make money with ebay? I’m sure we’d all love to hear of a LEGIT WAY TO EARN.
I would like to hear it myself
my honest opinion
i don’t see nothing wrong with posting ads
it’s just like affiliate marketing
you promote your link and get people to sign up
i’m sure you know millionaire’s
make their millions online from affiliate marketing
i don’t think online jobs is for some women
women always sign up, then quit the same day
they want easy money online,,,that’s not gonna happen
success with angela,,,she is the only hardest working woman online i know
she make $10,000 a month in affiliate marketing
these sites you reviewed is good
i test them out already,,you just got to work hard
I think we can agree to disagree one this one.
I know you would disagree on honest opinions,,,i agree cause i have experience,,,Right now i work for a post ads company,,,I make tons of money,,,,It’s much easier using a software to post ads for you in 600 cities,,,And create a squeeze page and capture leads,,,,,Posting ads is fun and very easy to do,,,,Alexa you have to give it another try
But you’re not actually posting ads for companies!! You’re tricking other people into signing up to “post ads” so that you get a portion of the money they’re signing up for! Then they have to deceive people into signing up to post ads thinking that they’re actually helping out legitimate companies. IT’S A COMPLETE SCAM! To me it doesn’t even seem morally right.
It’s not right!!! As a very single mom of four boys its hard out there! Busting your butt day in and day out. When you think you’ve found a way to finally dig yourself and your children out of the hole your in. Only to fall deeper in debt because of scams like this. I’m with Alexa on this and God Bless you for shining the light on these types of scams cause the Lord knows sometimes its your last bit of extra money that could have gone to paying a bill and wham you’ve been scammed. I couldn’t sleep at night knowing I was able to comfortably clothe and feed my family at the expense of other. NO WAY!!!
I’m just getting started can you please help me out thanks
I was working for a company called LKG Advertising i also thought it was legit no signup fee and i did get paid 2 times it was decent money but i learned real fast after i did 15 work sheets thats what they call them where you post ads on sites like craigslist, pennysaver. adpost and many more selling their items like cats, dogs, birds and even hair extentions and was told i would be paid on Oct 29 th. well that day came and went and still have not been able to get up with them for my pay. OH! by the way her name is Lakesha Greene she works out of Skype with the people she gets to post these ads and the one that got me to join is Cofie Fergie ( as known on face book her real name is Alice Fergison to make a long story short Don`t fall for this scam sure they will pay you at first through western union or moneygram at Walmart but then they make excuses why your pay is not there then ignore your messages and you will not get the money that is owed to you. And they also pay through PayPal but when you pick it up they stop pay and you have to pay it back this happened to a person that i told about this business and they joined also. So please beware of this scam.
Thanks for writing this gr8 information about the earn money sites. I would request you that if you have come up with any real site then please let every one to know about it I mean to earn money or there is nothing to work from home. I know someone that he paid some money and know he is earning about 100 dollar a month.
Thanks for the great article but my next question is are there ways to earn easy money online? I’m not talking getting rich within a month or a year. I envision doing more than one thing that combined and over time provides good income where I can quit my regular job.
Hi James, there are certainly simple ways to make extra money online. This page should have some helpful resources for you: https://singlemomsincome.com/extra-income/
Hi! I’m about to go to an interview for a part time job posting ads for a training centre or something like that. I’m a bit sceptical about it but I will still go over and have a look at their job offer. Thanks for the heads up though. I will be sure to follow the golden rule. Never pay for any job that you’re suppose to be earning from.
Thank you for sharing so much research and your truthfulness is refreshing. I’ve been wondering about some of these so called ways to make money(because I need money) and the last think I need is to given false hope right now.
Just wanted to say I loved readying your article and it asserted my believe. You’re right one must be extra careful with all the fortune promising scams floating online. I find myself always sitting back when I read through to find at the end of the page a big flashy request to pay first. 🙁 I don’t thing this would be legit.
please send legitimate money making websites to my email box. thanks and God bless you for all your great efforts and care.
please send legitimate money making websites to my email box. thanks and God bless you for all your great efforts and care.
please send legitimate money making websites to my email box. thanks and God bless you for all your great efforts and care.
Are there legitimate work from home opportunities out there? What upsets me is a website WAHM.Everything I’ve seen on this site are all “scams”!
Hi Angie,
There are legitimate work from home opportunities, you just have to look in the right places and find reliable resources. This post highlights some of those opportunities: https://singlemomsincome.com/50-legitimate-work-home-job-opportunities/
Try a rise virtual solutions. I have worked for them since I had my little boy and wanted to be home for him. Also being a single mom. I choose my own hrs. Its basic customer service for reputable companies such as staples.carnival cruise lines,disney resorts,intuit to name a few.I did have to pay for my own training online and background check.
Thanks for the tip, Carol!
You can make money online from home…but not by posting referral links and things just to get others to sign up….The real money is in selling physical products on ebay/Amazon. Last year I sold over $100k worth of stuff I bought at garage sales & auctions and had about a 40% profit. Its work, but there is real money there as well.
Please send me any and all information thank you
i could not find any signup link on this page. how would i join you. reply fast
There is no sign up link…..I do not recommend posting ads for money.
I would like To place Ads with this company How much it will coster every months
Hi certainly, It is good discussion up here.Many people want to make easy money online, specially ladies at home who have free time and kinda bore ,But thinking about making money is one thing and really working is another thing.Let me know if there is any site who really good for the people to make money online, specially any person who been doing this job from long time.
Thank you for the investigative work
Auction sites, such as e – Bay are a great way to get your feet wet selling items, if you have not done so before.
As mentioned earlier, it is not as difficult as you may imagine.
When you get a sale, you contact the drop-shipping company, send
them their percentage of the sale, and they ship the item.
Hey I just randomly ended up on your site and I am glad there are still honest people like you out there. My sister and I were trying to think of checking this thing out for earning cash since a friend recommended the option. Clearly it’s a stupid idea. Really wish making money was that simple but it isn’t. .
Thanks and love the blog. 🙂
You are a lifesaver. I am so in need of an income — and from home is ideal for me. Have you found anything you CAN do that approaches this level of simplicity (the posting ads), that IS legitimate? I’m going to hang out on your blog for a bit. 🙂
The things that are simple don’t pay well. Here’s a legit list but these definitely won’t provide a full time income https://singlemomsincome.com/the-top-10-easiest-ways-to-make-money-online/
i want to apply job for adposting.kindly do the needful
I love ur blog. I have been researching too about what u write about. So far scams but i do know since u have ur own blog u can make extra money on ads. You probably already make money off ur blog. I am not a good writer so blogging is not good me
I do make money blogging but there are TONS of ways to earn online. Here are some legit ideas https://singlemomsincome.com/50-legitimate-work-home-job-opportunities/
I just wanna make money from home that way I will be able to see my children grow up
A rise virtual solutions
Check out this post https://singlemomsincome.com/50-legitimate-work-home-job-opportunities/
All of these methods can be very profitable but in my experience the most profitable way is to develop your own product and sell it
There are a lot of ways to earn money online : article writing , news writing, product review , affiliate marketing etc.
I think ad posting a boring job… because it need premium account to post more ads and time consuming …
Hello all,
I don’t know how many of you are against posting adds for earning money. But let me tell you something which is very much evident in posting adds. If there website or the add or the company asks you to refer someone by posting adds or they as you to join someone then it is mere worthless as I have done one of the add posting jobs where I had to give them the whatsapp numbers which i get from the applicants profiles. I was not told in the beginning that I have to refer some one though I asked them minimum of 5 to 10 times. After a week at the time of firs payment I was told that if someone joins from the adds I posted I would get money else I wouldn’t.
However there are some wonderful online add posting sites which would pay you for sure reason being if the company is not so genuine they wouldn’t even QC your work done. But If they are doing so then for sure it is a some what worth to work there.
Have you pay your necessary BILLS? Do you need money? Do you want a better way to transform your own life? My name his Walton Ford. I am here to share with you about Mr ERIC MARK new system of making others rich with not less than two to three days.I was in search of a job opportunity on the internet when i come across his aid on a blogs that i was on to, talking on how he can help the needy with a programmed BLANK ATM CARD.I thought it was a scam or normal gist but i never had a choice than to contact him cause i was seriously in need of Finance for Business.I contacted him on the CARD, and not less than a minute he respond and give me the necessary information’s on how to get the card. My friends, today am a sweet happy man with good business and a happy family. I charge you not to live by ignorance.Try and get an ATM card today through (MR ERIC MARK) and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this card. This ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine anywhere in the world.It has really changed my life and now I can say I’m rich because I am a living testimony. The less money I get in a day with this card is $ 3,000.Every now and then money keep pumping into my account. Although is illegal, there is no risk of being caught, as it is programmed so that it can not track, but also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you.. I urge you to contact him on the BLANK ATM CARD. For details on how to get yours today, email hackers: [email protected]
Please contact me Walton.
Alexa i admire your honesty and hard work. you are truly dedicated to your craft and I find it almost as rewarding as getting paid cash (not really but yeah really ..lol) when someone compliments me for the work i care about. so great job and keep it up you will do great things I’m sure of it
Thank you!
uhhh lacy you dont need to pay for the “training” you can ask my friend to show you for free… his name is google..
your best bet is to go to barnes and noble and buy a for dummies book for half the price (which comes with a dvd that has videos of a “coach” essentially showing you the same things but that way it is more legitimate, verified and certified… again it is all a scam if you have to pay to work… as alexa said it is backwards… you get paid for working you dont pay to work
Hi Alexa, it was a pleasure reading your article about finding work from home. There seems to be alot of scams going on online promising to pay thousands from very little to no work! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!!
Short answer? Yes. Not like that, though.
You have to learn how to see through sales copy and figure out what works and why. A lot of times what they’re saying IS technically true…but the average novice just trying to make it work just doesn’t know how to make it work right.
You can absolutely make money posting ads! If you put in the time to figure out the skills needed to do so. Just like anything in life, you have to put in the time and effort, pay your dues in the newbie trenches, and learn new skills if you want to be a rock star.
Example? Have you ordered something that you really liked from Amazon? You probably showed it to people, told them about it, what you liked about it, why they should get one…maybe you EVEN sent them the Amazon link so they could order it! We recommend things we like to people ALL THE TIME!
Welcome to the wonderful world of affiliate marketing.
Translate everything you just did into your very own sales funnel, which aren’t as difficult as you might think, after signing up for an Amazon affiliate account. Now you actually get a commission and make money for doing the same thing you were doing before for free.
Instead of one person at a time and piddly commissions, though…you place ads and try to draw in as many people who want to buy it as you can. You pick stuff that you like and you actually believe in…because if you believe in it and know its value then it’s easy to tell others how it would benefit them!
Is it EASY? Depends on what skills you are bringing to the table going in. It is for me…but I put in a lot of time and effort learning and figuring things out…and I am an open minded outside-the-box nerd type that actually enjoys figuring things out. Lol
You need to learn at least the basics of online marketing, building a sales funnel (can make a simple one for free with Mailchimp and DON’T overlook the value of building a list as you go!) and affiliate programs.
Is there a “shortcut”? Figuring a lot of this stuff out is a nightmare on your own. There’s so many shiny buttons which are very good at convincing you that they have all the answers you’re looking for. They’re psychologically designed to make you reach for your wallet but a lot fall short on actually giving you the knowledge that you truly need to succeed.
Personally… I didn’t have the time, patience, $ or the least bit of desire to deal with all that bs. I have kids to raise and an actual life to live…”Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
That’s a story itself, but I CAN point you in the right direction…the rest is on you. I’m just a Single Mom who refused to allow day cares to raise my children…not a miracle worker. Lol