My trailer project is almost finished and I will soon have a place to call home again. I am ecstatic to once again have some room for my girls and me to stretch out. And of course not having to share a bed with two toddlers anymore is the icing on the cake!
But…..this means it’s time for me to start paying some bills again. I am going to lay out what I expect my budget to be and then I will adjust in a couple of months when the real numbers roll in.
-Loan Payment for the Trailer $226
-Credit Card $45 (recurring donation)
-Car Insurance $52
-Phone $28
-Internet $70
-Electricity $120
-Water $25
-TV $55
Total Utilities/Bills – $621
-Gas $200
-Food $250
-Babysitting $300
-Everything Else. $400
Total Everything Else $1150
Total Expense – $1771
I currently bring home an average of $2565 a month so with this budget it looks like I will end up with a surplus of $794 a month.
The money I have left over will go to my emergency fund until I reach the $5,000 mark.
Back to budgeting and it feels great!
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Your budget looks great!