Now that we spend more time at home sheltering it can be hard to keep toddlers busy. These activities will keep your toddlers busy for hours. If your struggling with ideas to keep your toddler busy these activities will keep your toddlers busy for hours.
Keep Your Toddlers Busy For Hours

It can be very stressful when your toddler want’s or needs your attention 24 hours a day. Are you struggling to think of activities to entertain them? Fear not in the post we have a number of activities that will keep your toddlers busy for hours.
Build an Obstacle Course

The thing toddlers love the post is to run around, especially at home. Building an obstacle course is a great way to entertain them in physical activity. The best place for an obstacle course in the garden as you have a lot of space however if it’s raining you can use the living room or any room that’s spacious. The above course may only be appropriate for older kids but you can put together some cardboard boxes as tunnels in the house for younger kids.
If you decide to create an obstacle course in the house start by using some masking tape on the floor to form the route. You can also place cardboard boxes or cushions around to create the course. Don’t forget the checkpoints such as baskets and boxes.
Make sure you think of your child’s safety when planning these obstacles. It’s important your child doesn’t run too fast as they can slip on the cushions. By putting rules in place to avoid injuries. Decide if they should walk around or step on an object the decision is yours.
Why not use this activity to encourage your toddler to help tidy around the house. You can place stuffed animals around the ground and let your little one rescue them by putting them in a box later. Use the masking tape to make a course around the animals.
If you really want to keep your toddler busy for even longer why not set up some toys around the course that your little one can play with along the way this can keep them busy for hours. Depending on what you choose make sure the furniture is out of the way so your child can make it safely around the whole course.
Build a tent

It all depends on your child’s age but if they are old enough why not let them build a tent or fort by themselves. If you have a young toddler build a tent out of blankets and pillows for them. A tent or fort with pillows allows your child to explore their imagination by playing pretend.
It’s important you make sure the blankets and pillows are not too heavy the last thing you want is the tent to fall on your toddler.
A good way to build a cozy indoor tent is by draping a blanket over a couple of chairs. There are many ways you can build a tent this way and each time it will be different making it even more fun. You could tuck the blanket in the gaps of the chairs or even tie it at the top. However, you choose to create your tent it can cause a number of engineering problems for you and your little one which is all part of the fun.
If you have a big blanket why not make a teepee. You can gather some mops or brooms and bind them together at the top you can use an elastic band. You’ll need a minimum of 3 or 4. After this wrap a blanket around the structure and to create the tepee. You have to make sure it resembles a campsite.
With older kids you can even teach them about the history of the teepee’s while your building them together!.
Laundry basket

If you have a free laundry basket why not see where your toddler’s imagination takes them. They might sell a boat or even drive a car. Make sure you don’t use a mesh laundry basket for this activity as it can be unsafe.
You can also use an old cardboard box where your toddler can decorate and climb in. As it’s a recycled object it doesn’t matter if it gets damaged or scribbled over. Imagine turning that cardboard box into a spaceship or even a robot.
This is a great way to be creative and explore your little ones’ imagination. However, you may realize that after every wash or delivery your toddler will want to play.
Have a color and shape hunt

What toddler doesn’t love playing hide and seek?. Toddlers love looking for things and this is a great way for them to do this. You can place objects of different colors and shapes around the house and let them look for them. Get them to bring the objects to you or point them pout when they find them. you can mix this up by telling g them to point out all objects of a specific color like blue.
You can even get them to put the items away in a box when they’ve found them which is a win win for both of you. Just keep going until the box or container is full or you run out of ideas or places to hide.
Why not use this activity as a version of “eye spy” with your pantry or even library. This game can be played with absolutely anything around the house. It can also be used as an educational game or learning skills.
Have older kids? You can make some interesting conversations like what shape is a pebble or bring me an item that’s a circle or rectangle. You can also introduce 3d shapes to challenge their vocabulary.
Activities Will Keep Your Toddlers Busy For Hours- Conclusion

After reading through this blog you’ll not only have some good ideas of how to keep your child busy but you’ll also have a safe way for your child to play. If you keep this list at hand you’ll never struggle with playtime again!.