Freelancing is a pretty sweet gig. According to Upwork, freelancers are predicted to become the U.S. workforce majority within a decade with nearly 50% of millennial workers already freelancing. What makes freelancing such a hot commodity is the fact that it's flexible. You can work whenever and from where ever you want. Freelancing also sets you up to become an entrepreneur and run your own ...
Search Results for: freelancing
5 Reasons to Choose Freelancing (And 3 Reasons Not To)
My work from home path started very similarly to most who are just starting out. I got my feet wet by signing up with online survey companies, applied to data entry jobs, tried a bunch of different and very diverse ideas, and then finally bit the bullet and got serious about freelancing. When I first started freelancing it was pretty scary. At the time I was totally freaked out by rejection ...
Getting Started with Freelancing: Managing your Money
Freelancing your skills and establishing a profitable side hustle is a great way to diversify and increase your income. Since quite a few jobs don’t offer an adequate amount of benefits or pay, many people are leaning toward side hustling and interested to learn how to earn extra money outside of their main job. On Single Moms Income, we’ve mentioned numerous ways to earn extra money and one of ...
Freelancing is NOT Feast or Famine
The most frequently asked questions in regards to this blog are work from home related. How to get jobs. What kind of work to do. How to get paid. Etc. And one common misconception with freelancing is that it’s feast or famine. That’s just not true. ...
How to Find Multiple Freelancing Clients to Make Money
The following is a guest post from Martin of Studenomics, where he's all about helping you reach financial freedom before you hit 30 so that your life doesn't suck. The one thing that has allowed me to travel whenever I feel like it, save up more money, and create a flexible lifestyle has been freelancing. I'm not saying that freelancing will solve all of your problems, but imagine what you ...
Tips for Single Moms to Make It on Their Own
Whether you have recently split with your partner, or you are facing a surprise pregnancy that you’re unprepared for, you may be concerned about whether you can survive on your own as a single parent. When there is only one income in the household, financial worries can start to pile up. Even two-parent households often struggle with their finances, but it does not have to be impossible. There are ...