Deciding to take a career change can be a massive decision for both you and your family. It’s not a decision you can make overnight and there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. Changing jobs may mean taking a pay cut, working longer hours, or having a longer commute and you need to think about how these things may affect your family.
Before you make the leap to move to another job, think about whether there’s any way of feeling happier in your current position. How long have you been feeling dissatisfied? If it’s only been a couple of weeks it could be worth waiting to see if things get better. Your unhappiness may just be temporary. If you have been feeling this way for many months then it’s time to take action. In the first instance you should talk to your boss and see if they are willing to address your concerns. However, perhaps your dissatisfaction is more deep-rooted. It may be that you are simply no longer feeling enthusiastic towards your work and the pull towards a more rewarding job is too strong.
For many people, a job isn’t just about earning money but actually makes up a huge part of our lives. Feeling unhappy in the workplace can leave us feeling depressed and undervalued in other areas of our life.
However, although you may feel that a career change is the right thing to do, don’t be too hasty in your decision. Remember that there is no guarantee you will feel happier in your new job. It’s difficult to know for certain until your actually there. Also, in the current economic climate, don’t take your current job stability for granted particularly when you have children to support.
There are lots of people you can turn to for help in making your decision. See if there’s a local career guidance service in your area that may be able to advise you on your prospective career path. If you are a more spiritual type of person you might even turn towards clairvoyant readings at TheCircle for example. It can be useful to talk to friends and relatives as well, as they are the ones who know you best, however the only you can make the decision. If you’re able to find out more about the career you’d like to move into by speaking to someone already in the industry this can also be very beneficial.
The most important thing to remember is not to rush into anything. Weigh up the practical concerns against what your gut instinct is telling you.