As a single mom, it can sometimes be very difficult to find money for extras, never mind make ends meet. Budgeting for everything from school clothes to daycare can be an ongoing nightmare. Luckily, there are lots of ways to make extra money, and some of them are surprisingly simple.
One of the best ways to put at least a few dollars in your pocket is to sell things you are no longer using, or no longer want or need. Some of them are great for reselling at garage and yard sales – extra kids’ clothing is usually in high demand, for example, and so are things like sporting goods and household items. Other items are not at all suitable for resale to the general public, and these are the ones that are likely to make you more money. Engagement rings, old wedding rings, and other jewelry – especially luxury brands – can be resold easily so long as you know what steps to take.
First, skip the local pawn shops and jewelry shops that often purchase used jewelry. These venues have high overhead and typically pay only a fraction of what quality jewelry is actually worth. In addition, dealing with them can be a real headache. Second, choose online resale venues with great care. Many sites ask quite a lot of you – something you might not be prepared to do as a busy single mom.
If taking tons of photos of your valuables, writing lengthy descriptions of them, and monitoring online auctions isn’t your cup of tea, you’ll be glad to hear that there’s a site that does all this for you. They even throw in a free appraisal and pay for shipping and insurance, meaning you get to sell your items at no cost. The site’s name – Worthy – is very easy to remember. All you’re asked to do is fill out a quick questionnaire to get an initial estimate of value. If you like what you see, great; you move forward with the sale process. If you don’t like the offer, you’re not obligated to go any further and you can pursue other avenues for selling your jewelry.
It gets even better though. Worthy takes care of all the time-consuming tasks associated with marketing and shipping your engagement ring or other unwanted jewelry to the buyer. They ensure you are happy with the winning bid before completing the sale, and they quickly send money to your account if you accept the bid. The entire auction process lasts just about 24 hours, so you quickly transform “stuff” that’s taking up space into money you can use toward meeting your financial needs or savings goals, whatever they may be.
I’ve been working on selling my extra items. I’m a little lazy when it comes to this though, so I have a long way to go!
Hi Michelle,
I felt exactly the same as you do, my procrastination had almost won this battle, but that was before I found Worthy. The great thing is that you don’t have to do anything other than filling out the form online! They have free shipping, they take the photo, they appraise and they auction it while you are at home looking at the suggested bids and deciding if it’s a yes. Good luck!
Wow,’s site is so awesome. I browsed their recent deals and it looked great start selling here with full trust. You get good money than the ordinary stores. Thanks Alexa for sharing it!