The older your child gets alongside the years passing us by the more stuff we seen to acquire. When it comes to children they tend to grow fast. We find ourselves as mothers replacing their clothes every few months. This common occurrence also occurs with their toys. As we try to purchase new toys to fit their age ranges every few years. Although your child has grown out of these clothes and toys doesn’t;t mean they need to go to waste. There are many children that will require these toys and clothes throughout their lives. Here we will be looking at places to sell your child’s old clothes and toys and make extra cash in the process.
Places to sell your child’s stuff
There are many items such as your child’s first pair of shoes and first cuddly toy that you’ll keep throughout their entire lives. However, it’s difficult to keep everything as it can open up your home to clutter. Now let’s look at a list of places to sell your child’s old stuff.
Once upon a child
Unlike many of the other companies in the list I’ll be sharing with you, once upon a child is the only company that has retail locations. Once upon a child is like a charity shop where you basically take your items to one of their locations and they short through them. Once they have selected the items you’ll get paid on the spot. This saves all the extensive online selection processes you may have encountered. there are many items they accept at once upon a child such as:
- Children’s Clothes
- Kids and children’s Toys
- Furniture
- Other Children’s gear of all ages
There are a number of locations available so your bound to find a store near you. The store locations range from Texas to California. If you have a location in your area I recommend you try them out as its a hassle free way to sell your children’s old stuff.
Offer up
When it comes to Offer up I like to think of it like Craiglist, however a less threatening version. With this simple platform, you can sell old clothes, toys, gear, furniture, and much more to people in your local area. When it comes to selling it’s a little like eBay, Offer up allows potential buyers to make multiple offers. It also allows sellers to post items out to buyers making it a lot safer. With Offer up, there is the ability to use the desktop version as well as the app making it a lot easier for the user to buy and sell items.
Do you have a child that likes to wear trendy, designer clothing? if the answer to this question is yes then Kidizen is the place for you to sell and buy clothing. Kidizen is an app where they connect with Moms that wish to buy items with Moms that wish to sell items. The company creates a close community of trustworthy sellers and buyers. Selling and buying on Kidizen will ease the anxiety of selling and buying to and from strangers. On the app, you’ll be able to find clothing for trendy kids and children of all ages.
Tread up
Tread up is one of the largest websites for selling high quality used clothing. Although Tread up is not geared specifically to children’s clothing it is a top destination for high-end second-hand clothing items. In terms of children’s clothing however they except anything from shoes to swimwear for both boys and girls. If you have items purchased from Baby Gap, Justice, and Old Navy, and other similar stores Tread up is the place to sell them.
When it comes to selling on Tread up the process is pretty simple. The company will send you one of their cleanout kits, once received they will send you payment in return. There are many ways in which you can receive payment such as:
- PayPal
- Store Credit
- Donation to a good course
It’s very difficult to find someone who doesn’t use amazon in this day and age. As long as Amazon prime they also offer a Market place that sells everything under the sun for amazing prices. As well as new items you can also sell your used items. You have the ability to list as many items as you want, you can charge extra for shipping and get paid easily through Amazon. There’s always a family or child looking for your used item and Amazon is a great place for them to start as it’s hassle-free and well known to many families around the world.
Schoola was created by a team of teachers and parents in order to raise money for school programs through the sale of second-hand clothes. This is a great company where you can get rid of unwanted items and help a good course at the same time. You may not be given as much money as you with from selling on Schoola you will be able to rest easy knowing you’ve helped a child in need.
In conclusion
as you can see from above there are many places in which you can sell your children’s old stuff. Depending on your intentions and the amount of money you need from the sale of your items will depend on where you sell them. In my opinion, I believe that all the above options are good places to sell. If you have a little more time and a store in your area Once upon a child is a great place to sell. You receive your money there and then and any item they may not want or need you can always sell online. However, if you’re looking for a quick sell Amazon is a great place as they have Billions of customers and you’re bound to sell to one of them.