I don’t think I’ve said it yet but I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year!
January marks a fresh start for everyone and even though I’ve shared a few New Year’s Resolutions with you, my biggest goal is to make this year about other people. If any of my New Year’s Resolutions stick I want it be this one. I want to go out of my way to do nice things for other people (without expecting anything in return.)
Of course, I’ve set some other goals as well so here they are.
- Exercise 3 Times Per Week
- Eat Breakfast
I bought some protein bars to eat for breakfast. I have no appetite in the morning and the protein bars pretty much taste like nothing (maybe cardboard) so they work. I’ve been trying to eat one not too long after waking up.
My other goals is to exercise three times per week. In particular, I started doing Jillian Michaels six weeks to six pack abs (free on YouTube – Thanks, Connie) There’s a ton of cardio in this program. My legs felt like Jell-O for three days the first time I did it!
- Reread The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
- Read the Bible 30 Min. Each Night
- Do Something Unexpectedly Nice for Someone Else at Least Twice this Month
I did finish The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing but there is just soooo much information in this book and I want to make sure that I am fully grasping the concepts. Once I get this book down I think I’ll have laid a pretty good foundation for myself to begin and, truly understand the other books on my investing books to read this year list.
I’ve also been reading the Bible a little bit each night. Once again, I was reading a post on Laurie’s Blog that led me to check out one of her recommendations about Bible study. This then fired me up to take time to really try and understand things for myself instead of buying into what others say. Anyway, long story, I’ll stop there 😉
Finally I want to go out of my way to do at least two nice things for other people. I’ve already thought of a very nice and unexpected thing I can do for my youngest brother. Now I just have to think of one more to do for someone else.
- Read the Children’s Bible Each Night With The Girls
I bought the girls a very nice Children’s Bible a couple months ago but we never took the time to read it. The first night we sat down to read this book (last week) my oldest daughter didn’t want to stop. We read 94 pages in one sitting!!
She watched the video that Brian posted of his three year old daughter reciting a Bible story, which I think made her want to learn even more. (Thanks for posting Brian!)
December’s Online Income
December was another lack luster month for me. I brought in enough money to pay the bills and whatnot but, once again, not much extra.
There are a couple reasons for this. First my blogging income has been way down. My writing income actually increased in December but my blogging income saw a huge decrease. Second, I pretty much took a week and a half break during Christmas. There was so much going on and I really just took the time to soak up every minute with my girls and enjoy my other family.
I’ve still been working on some other projects but if January isn’t any better than December then I’ll be adding a lot more writing jobs to my plate. I’ve taken somewhat of a hiatus in looking for freelance writing jobs over the past couple months but I’m confident that if I decide I need more I can find them fairly easily.
So, with that said December’s Income was $1,619
How was your December?
Alexa, I’m SO glad that post spoke to you!! Since we’ve started studying the Bible so much more intensely on our own, it has really and truly changed our world. We’ve learned now who God truly is, and learned much more about the plans He has for our family. It’s been an awesome ride! In fact, we’re committed to reading even more of His Word this year.
Yes thank you for the post, Laurie! I checked out the website you recommended, signed up for the daily devotional and the first email I received explained things to me in a way that I had never understood before. It was really great and I’m so glad I checked it out!
Great work!! You’re moving forward and still focusing on family! I’m new to the blogsphere, but have been an Accredited Financial Counselor for years. I think your posts are great and show that a lot can be done even with taking time to focus on family! Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much, Katie. I really appreciate it!
I took time off in December as well. Every now and then, it is definitely needed! I hope January is even better for you.
Thanks, Michelle!
I figure if you’re just starting freelancing, and you make enough to cover the bills, that’s success. Especially when you’re taking time away. So, big ups for your December!
Yeah I’m still happy. Gonna keep working at it and see where everything goes!
If your bills were paid and you had a good December chin up! December for us was great. Glad to hear you are doing great. Keep it up.
Thanks, Brit and I’m glad December was good for you!
great job! .. December was good but so glad it’s over 🙂 if you get bored with Jillian (I have a handful of her DVDs- really are effective) google PopSugar Fitness online , lots of 10 minutes workouts and still effective!
Thanks for the tip! I will definitely check that out. Right now I’m liking Jillian. It might take me awhile before I can actually keep though 😉
Good for you for taking a week and a half off around Christmas! I took a few days off from blogging but not enough : / It’s hard when there is always something else to do and the effort you put into it (in theory) will be what you get out of it.
I like the bible reading goal. I have been very bad about reading the bible the past couple years and really should make it a focus.
There’s definitely a lot to keep up with blogging but I’ve been trying to work on automating things as much as possible. I finally have extra posts scheduled for this blog plus a lot of the others I write for.
I’m reading a study Bible now which really makes things easier for me to understand.
I love your goal about doing something unexpectedly nice 2x per month. I think you will feel great doing that and I may have to borrow that as well. Wishing you prosperity in 2014!
Borrow it! 🙂 I need to post a note on my bathroom mirror to actively work on this. I think doing this not only makes other people feel good but makes the person doing it feel good as well. I want to do this every month this year.
December was very slow for side hustle income and so is January so far 🙁 Trying to make it work and get more gigs. I enjoyed 5 days off and spent time with family and friends. I also want to be a more generous person, but also continue to pay off my debt!
January started off pretty slow for me, but luckily it’s starting to pick up. Hopefully it does the same for you as well!
I think it’s really nice that you read the Children’s Bible to your little ones, something I should really consider doing. Also, overall, you have a nice and clearly achievable set of goals.
Regarding income, even though I did take half of December off, it was steady and actually a bit better than November. However, in my case, the effects are usually felt one month later and January saw, so far, a close to 40% drop in revenue, but generally for me January and part of February are really slow months.
I think I’m going to have to come to terms with the fact that there are really slow months. I knew this going into self employment but I still don’t like it! Good luck with January, hopefully things go well for you.
Exercise is one of my goals for this year as well. I fell out of the habit when our first was born, but that was almost 2 years ago and I haven’t got back on board with it. Time to make it happen!
Yeah I know the feeling 😉 I used to do a lot more active things before having kids. Five years later I haven’t quite jumped back on the bandwagon.
I love your idea of doing something in expectantly nice for someone else. That’s the sort of goals that puts good karma out into the world, and you never know how it might come back to you. Good luck with more income in Jan!
Thank you! I enjoyed reading your post about making 2014 about people….it got me thinking. Good luck to you in January as well!
I think that you will see an increase in blogging income soon. I think most people take time off of blogging and people seem to stop reading too. I noticed a slight drop in readership too. Isn’t it great that you are working from home and able to be there for your kiddos??!!
Yes it is awesome that I get to be here for the girls. So, just as long as I can pay my bills I’ve got to be happy with how things are going!