Your toddler is ready to move from a crib to a bed and you’re wondering how to help them? Here’s how to move your toddler to a big kid bed. This is a big journey for your toddler to make and there are many ways you can help them. This is a natural transition that her baby is more independent and growing up. This can be an emotional time for you as a parent as it means your baby isn’t a baby anymore.
Moving your toddler to a big kid bed
knowing when and how to transition your toddler from a crib to a big kid bed can be tricky and in this post, we will walk you through the different ways to prepare.
Are you struggling to transition your little one from two naps to one? read our guide on How To Transition From Two Naps To One?
Is your child ready?
We all know that eventually, all our kids will get to the point where they have to move to a big kid bed. However, knowing when to make this move is dependent on many different factors such as:
- There age (most kids transditon from 18months to 3 years)
- Your childs size
- The fact that your toddler is climbing out the crib. ( it’s best to transtion before they climb out but if they are climbing out its definatly time to move)
Many of you may decide to move your toddler to a big kid bed because of the arrival of a sibling. This can be because you need the crib for the new baby. If this is the case it’s best you create enough time to make the transition before the baby arrives. Leaving it close to the baby’s arrival can make your toddler feel like they are being replaced by the new baby. Dr Widome tells parents.com the following:
“Begin the transition one to two months before the new baby is due to arrive, assuming that your toddler is at least 18 months old, says Dr Widome. By getting your older child comfortably situated in his new bed, he’ll think of the crib as neutral territory—and not his sleeping spot—when the baby arrives. If possible, dismantle the crib or store it in a room where it’s out of sight, suggests Dr Widome. Or aim to make the crib “unsleepable” by filling it with stuffed animals, toys, and blankets.”
You may think that your child is ready. However, if you’re going through a lifestyle change try not to move your toddler to a big kid bed. Changes such as going to daycare for the first time or potty training can be big steps for your toddler. Moving them to a big kid bed at the same time can be a little too much. Try to see the other changes through before considering the move.
Practice at naptime
There may be a time when your toddler is ready for the move to a big kid bed but it’s just a little too much for them at night time. Going from a small enclosure to a wide open area can be scary for a toddler, especially in the dark. Letting your toddler practice at nap time can be an easier way for them to transition and not feel so scared.
The only way in which you can let your toddler practice at nap time is if the crib and bed are separate pieces of furniture. You don’t want to be converting the crib and bed back a number of times. This will also only work if you have enough space in your toddler’s room for both beds.
Let your toddler pick something out
The same way we let our kids pick out underpants when it’s time for potty training the same way we should let them pick put a bed. This can get them excited about the new challenge ahead and make them really feel like a big kid. If your looking for a bed that will last for a long time why not let your toddler pick out a bed that stands out to them. (this is if you don’t mind a princess bed or a racing car bed). However, if you have a crib that turns into a cot bed why not let your toddler decorate their bed. Stickers are a great way to change the look or if you’re good at DIY you can even convert it into a house or castle.
You may already have a single bed available that you want to use. If this is the case let your little one pick out the bedding that they want and maybe some teddies they can sleep with.
Stick to the same bedtime routine
If you love sticking to a bedtime routine this is the best time to be consistent with it. Do you love to bathe your child, put them in their pj’s, sing them a song and read them a book before bed when they were in their crib?. Kepp to this same routine when your toddler transitions to a new bed. You may find it easier to read them a book in bed rather than on a chair. This is all good but try and stick to the original routine where possible. Snuggling in bed with your toddler may encourage them to come to your room and get in your bed at night.
It’s also best to locate the bed in the same place that the crib was located. Moving sleep positions can disorientate your toddler. You will also want to use the same lights and noise machines or lullabies that you did during your crib days.
Struggling to transition your child from crib to bed? Followed our how to move your toddler to a big kid bed tips and still struggling?. Why not try a sticker chart where your toddler can add stickers for staying in bed. You can also offer treats such as extra bedtime stories or songs or even a family outing of their choice.