I love the outdoors and so does my daughter. If your not an outdoorsy person here are some fun camping crafts and activities for kids. I’m sure your kids love being outside and if your not familiar with camping these crafts and activities can really help you entertain them. Many families enjoy camping trips during the summer however these trips can be quite boring for kids without activities to keep them entertained.
Read: Simple Ways To Make Tents For Your Kids
Cool Camping Crafts And Activities For Kids

When you introduce your kids to camping first impressions really matter. This is why we’ve come up with some fun camping crafts and activities for kids that will make them beg you to go camping every weekend. So lets get started!
Story Telling Stones

These storytelling stones are a great way for your kids to use their imaginations. There are many stories your kids can make up with these stones. The stones can be used for further camping trips to create similar memories and themed camping trips. In addition, this can help with the identification of objects and spelling for little kids.
Find more imaginative ideas at Early Impact Learning.
Camping Bingo

Bingo can be enjoyed by adults and kids of all ages. This printable camping bingo is a great way for the whole family to interact and is super cute. This game can be enjoyed over breakfast or lunchtime at a picnic table. To make this activity more interesting for the kids you can look for items that are campsite rather than the traditional way.
Check out Glue Sticks & Gumbrops for your printable bingo cards.
Glowing Campfire

There’s nothing better than sitting around a campfire. Why not make a pretend one while you do so. In order to create your own campfire, you’ll need a number of craft supplies. This will include tissue paper, cotton wool, and LED tea lights. Your campfire will look amazing when it gets dark and can be displayed in the kids tents overnight.
Head over to the Crazy outdoor Mama for more campfire ideas.
Toilet Paper Binoculars

These toilet paper binoculars will really bring out the adventitious side to your kids. They can search for bugs and other animals with these cool binoculars. if you make them before you head off on your camping trip the kids will be able to use them in the car journey. Games such as “I spy” are great fun as the kids can use the binoculars to spot items.
Learn more at The Spruce Crafts.
Popsicle Stick Tents

It may not be ideal to take a number of craft supplies on a camping trip, however, if you’re able to these popsicle stick tents are great. Kids will get excited to eat popsicles and create the sticks into these exciting craft tents. These tents can even be created beforehand, however, I prefer to do them on site. This gives you a good opportunity to talk about setting up tents and campfires and really engage with your kids.
Glued to my crafts will provide you with more ideas of how to create these masterpieces.
Scavenger Hunt

There are many ways in which you can teach your kids about nature. The best way you can do this is by letting them explore it. In my opinion, the best way to do this is by creating a nature scavenger hunt. You can take these pintable ones with you as they are great fun and convenient. Make this more fun by allowing your kids to use their binoculars to search for items making it double the fun.
Head over to The Pragmatic Parent for your free printable version.
Fun Camping Crafts And Activities For Kids- Conclusion

As you can see there are many ways in which you can make a family camping trip more enjoyable for your kids. With the above fun camping crafts and activities for kids they’ll be begging you to go camping.
Check out the camping check list at Travelstuck!