Good morning! I am happy to be hosting my first ever festival today – Festival of Frugality. Here are some of the best articles on frugality from the web.

Tushar presents Financial Foundations: Creating a Filing System for Financial Success posted at Earn More and Save. When it comes to saving money there are the normal pieces of advice like skip the lattes, use coupons, and set up automatic deposits to your savings account. These are great pieces of advice but you need to have your financial foundation set up first.
Michelle presents The City of Lost Wages posted at See Debt Run. Visiting Las Vegas is like going to another planet. But a quick look around lets you see clearly why they call it the city of Lost Wage. That said, visiting Vegas is a great way to spend a quick weekend and as long as you are smart and set limits for yourself, you can have a great time.
Tushar presents 4 Pieces of Money Advice for Gen X posted at Finance TUBE. Although still young there are some of the different ways you can still compare with the future.. This is especially important when it comes to your boring answers when it comes your finances.. You have a word to budget or you have not when it comes to best spend the day.
Michelle presents Using up my stuff, and debt pay off updates! posted at The Shop My Closet Project. Ok, I’m going to admit that I’m beginning to be a little alarmed by how much product I apparently have. Several months ago I decided not only to stop shopping for clothing items, but to use up the product that I have. I’m looking forward to picking up the pace on my debt repayment during the cold weather months.
Holly presents Quit Your Day Job: How to Start a Blog posted at Club Thrifty. Yup! We work from home and it all began when we started a blog. How can you make money online and possibly quit your day job? Find out inside!
Kyle James presents 6 Ways To Be a Smarter Shopper posted at Eyes on the Dollar. Retailers are constantly coming up with ingenious ways to separate you from your hard-earned money. Some strategies are patently obvious and some are very subtle. In either case, it is important that you raise your awareness in order to avoid falling prey to their tactics.
Joshua Rodriguez presents How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft Online posted at CNA Finance. In this article Josh discusses how to protect your identity while shopping and filling out applications online. Learn 4 simple ways to protect yourself!
Laurie presents I May Be Easy, But I’m Not Cheap: How to Save Money on Pet Costs posted at Frugal Rules. Having pets can be a very expensive endeavor if you allow it to be. However, with a little creativity and planning you can be frugal and still provide great care for your furry friends.

Paul @ The Frugal Toad presents 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Expect an Inheritance posted at The Frugal Toad. Many adult children expect to receive an inheritance from their parents. Recent studies suggest a drastically different scenario. Not only will most retirees not leave an inheritance to their children, they will have a difficult time making ends meet in retirement. Here are several reasons why expecting an inheritance might not be in your future.
Carmen presents What Car Can I Afford? posted at Gajizmo.We want to prevent you from becoming the guy who drives around in a Benz, BMW or Escalade and then pulls up to a rent-controlled apartment. While that happens more often than you think all over the United States, it is critical that families not spend more than they can afford on a car. So, how do you determine how much car you can afford? Read our comprehensive guide to learn multiple strategies and considerations.
Don presents 5 Simple Ways to Cut Car Insurance Costs posted at MoneySmartGuides. Read my five simple ways to cur your car insurance costs. Perhaps you’ll find something you didn’t think of.
Ryan presents Could the Pomodoro Technique Help Your Productivity? posted at Cash Money Life.Have you tried the Pomodoro Technique for time management and productivity? It uses timed bursts of focused energy followed by a timed break. It works!
Maria presents Two strategies for financial independence and matters to consider posted at The Money Principle. In this article I discuss two strategies for financial independence and the matters one ought to consider within each of those.
Crystal presents Transitioning to One Income posted at Married with Debt. One of the most interesting changes my family is facing is a transition to one income.
Tushar Mathur presents Are Coupons Worth it? posted at Everything Finance. I used to be an avid coupon clipper. And when I say avid, I mean obsessed…
Cat Alford presents Reevaluating My Student Loan Plan posted at Budget Blonde. I’ve been taking some time to reevaluate my student loan plan. There are a few reasons why. Here are a few of them.
Barbara Friedberg presents Who Wants a Free MP3 Player? posted at Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance. Imagine you can buy, for just $99 the secret to being #1 on Google, or how to sell on-line (even if you don\’t know how to use a computer). Sounds amazing doesn’t it?

Abby Hayes presents Spender/Saver Tension? How Weekly Budget Meetings Can Save Your Finances (and Your Marriage!) posted at ReadyForZero Blog. Couple budgeting is never easy. This article shares tips on getting organized and working together – so you can protect your finances and your marriage!
Harry Campbell presents Another Tough Run In With Best Buy posted at Your PF Pro. Even though I often see a lot of negativity towards Best Buy, they are still in business and somehow opening more stores than they’re closing. When was the last time you saw one of their stores go out of business(a la Circuit City)? I have even noticed a trend of lower prices at Best Buy over the past year or so that seem to coincide with when online retailers had to start charging sales tax.
Edgar @ Degrees and Debt presents Dating on a Budget posted at Degrees and Debt. How to date on a budget!
MR presents Last Quarter Cash Flow Changes posted at Money Reasons. Time to make some cash flow changes for the rest of the year as I come to the realization that my numbers don’t make sense. See how I adjusted my financial planning model accordingly.
Mr. Frenzy presents Home Habits: Do’s and Don’ts of Home Maintenance To Save posted at Frenzied Finances. In an effort to focus on a more improved budget, the following are just a few things to think about when it comes to home maintenance in order to save.
LaTisha presents How Much Do We Save to Buy a House? posted at Young Finances. Let me start by saying that I have never purchased a house, so researching this post was a great exercise for me and it actually convinced me that I should not rush into renting and instead focusing on saving money to become a homeowner.
Mrs. Accountability presents When to Upgrade… And When Not To posted at Out of Debt Again. I think its so easy to get swallowed up by the promise of upgrades of getting larger meals or longer warranties or more discounts that it becomes hard to resist following the herd.
Suba presents Without the Kids – Save Money, Enjoy Life posted at Broke Professionals. Having children is one of the most rewarding things we do in life. But if you decide to go a different path, why not explore life these ways.
Hey Alexa and thanks for the awesome list of frugal and PF blogs on your first time around!! I am at a local diner having breakfast and now my reading material is taken care of 🙂
Take care and thanks again for putting this all together. All the best.
I LOVE this post! Thanks for the great round-up.
Thanks for including Kyle’s post and for hosting.
Thank you for including me and what an awesome list!
What a data of un-ambiguity and preserveness of valuable familiarity concerning unpredicted feelings.