After two and a half years of trial and error I’ve finally figured out how to earn decent money blogging.
While I’m beating myself over the head for not implementing some of these things sooner I’m also grateful that I’ve finally seen the light.
Ever since I started to earn money online I’ve always considered freelancing, or working for other people, my main income and blogging as my side hustle. Now I’m starting to see things a little differently. I’m finally convinced that blogging can be a full time income for anyone who is willing to put in the hard work and who also has the patience.
Today I wanted to talk about the five blogging epiphanies I’ve had over the past six months. (If you have a blog or want to start one I hope these can help you too!)
# 1 – Realizing That I Will Never Please Everyone
I can sometimes be a bit of a people pleaser. And with blogging that just doesn’t fly.
There’s not a single person who is going to love everything you write all the time. There’s just no way that’s going to happen. My favorite blogs, which are actually organizing and DIY blogs at the moment, (Anyone else read I Heart Organizing or Bower Power?) do not post stuff that I love one hundred percent of the time. No blog does.
That’s just the way it is. What one person might love, another person will hate.
If perfection is holding you back from doing what you want then just let it be. You’re not perfect and neither am I. Do your own thing and quit worrying about what other people think.
# 2 – Understanding the Power of Social Media
I’ve been social media reluctant/ignorant my entire blogging career. The only social media network I used was Twitter because that’s what “everyone else” was doing.
And the thing is, I freaking hate Twitter. Interacting on Twitter does not come naturally for me and as far as this type of blog is concerned it pretty much has zero ROI in terms of traffic.
My reluctance of social media kept me from getting on Pinterest and Facebook but it turns out I’m pretty good at both! I’ve also found out that social media is one of the best ways to get traffic.
Look at my stats from last month. See that huge jump? That’s 27,000 page views in one day from having one large Facebook page share one of my posts. Holy cows! (The same thing happened in January when a different large Facebook page shared one of my posts.)
# 3 – Realizing That Successful Bloggers are Master Strategists
I always thought that the super successful bloggers who had hundreds of thousands of followers and who are making bank were either lucky or just super special. Turns out they’re neither. Most successful bloggers are just super strategic. (That’s not to say they aren’t authentic though, they’re just business minded.)
They study their analytics, find out what works for them and repeat, repeat, repeat. I have noticed so much strategy on large blogs lately. They write posts they think will go viral, they create posts that will be heavily searched, and they work social media hard.
Success is a little luck and tons of hard, well planned out work.
# 4 – You Need a Thick Skin
I’m lucky that I grew a bit of a thick skin when I was first finding freelance clients. I had a whole lot of rejection coming my way.
Now I’m having to grow a thick skin in a new way. In that past six months I’ve had more negative comments than I’ve had in the prior two years combined.
It comes with the territory though.
I don’t want to make this all rainbows and sunshine because NOTHING ever is. The more people you have reading your blog the more negative comments you’ll get.
So if you plan on growing a blog just be prepared. Not everyone will like you and a few of those people are going to make sure that you know.
# 5 – Taking Action is What It’s All About
I’ve told you before but I have to tell you again – six months ago was when I enrolled in Elite Blog Academy. This has been the best thing I’ve ever done for my blog. I’ve made my money back probably more than tenfold.
Here’s a screen shot of my traffic from September 2014.
Here’s my traffic for March 2015. (Without that enormous Facebook spike the page view would have been around 140,000)
Here’s a screenshot of my ad network revenue from September 2014 which totaled $518.62.
Here’s my ad network revenue from last month (payable this month) which totaled $1,939.09.
As you can see that is an enormous difference and that’s why I very strongly believe in EBA!
Elite Blog Academy is $399 this year and this next week is the only week that it’s open for the entire year! You can save $50 by using the coupon code ALEXA
Ruth has even made some changes this time around by adding a twelve week guided syllabus and weekly office hours. I’ve fallen off the bandwagon a bit so I’ll be retaking this course right alongside you.
I also realize that not everyone has that much money to spend on a course. And that is totally fine! If you want to grow your blog but don’t have the money to spend on EBA these are my favorite free/cheap blogging resources
- Kelli Miller and Crystal Van Tassel’s Learn to Blog Hangouts (Just search their names individually on YouTube. They have more than a hundred AWESOME blogging videos. I watch these girls every other Tuesday! Be sure to watch the videos on Google Analytics, Keywords, and Landing Pages)
- Holly Homer on YouTube (Holly has grown her Facebook Page for Kids Activities Blog from 13,000 followers to more than a million in one year without any Facebook advertising! Watch all of Holly’s videos on Facebook.)
- How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul (This isn’t free but it’s an affordable alternative to the EBA Course.)
If you’re feeling stuck when it comes to blogging making the right investments can help you. Even if those investments are just time. Learn something new and then go implement it!
*If you do sign up for EBA remember to use code ALEXA for $50 off!
**Those are my affiliate links above and I sincerely appreciate when use them. If you’ve signed up for the course (doesn’t have to be through my link) and want an accountability partner please email me! I’d love to have some more blogging buddies!
Hi Alexa!
Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to work through the course? I’m assuming it’s a work at your own pace type of class.
Once you join, do you have access to all the materials/ updates forever?
It is a work at your own pace type of thing. There is A LOT of stuff in this class. I quickly went through it in a bout six weeks and then I went through and redid the sections I really needed to improve on. I’m still not all the way done with it!
You do have lifetime access to the course and the forum and Ruth continually adds bonuses. She just redid the members area and added a 12 week guided syllabus. I’m going to do the twelve week steps again because I know I still have a ton of room for improvement!
Wow those are huge numbers!!! I might have to get the book and start with that. I really like what you said about not worrying about what other people think or what they are doing, I was too concerned with that at one point, I remember reading one blogger saying how she hated videos and newsletters and I let that get in my head. I know my own integrity that I want to maintain with my own blog, but if that doesn’t align with one or two people’s views, so be it. I will never please everyone! Great job!
It can be so hard to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing but it is sooo freeing. Your videos are some of my very favorite videos to watch out of the entire internet!!!!!
The book is super helpful too. That spike at the end of my September traffic was a direct result of implementing the stuff out of the book so there is definite value there too 🙂
This was one of the best decision I made. Taking this course was worth it and so rewarding. Thanks Alexa.
Yay! I’m so glad you loved this course too!
I’ve been following your blog journey for several months and I’m so impressed not only with your numbers and income, but also with your consistent work ethic. I always enjoy coming to read your posts. You are right that not 100% of the posts interest me, but most do. I’m so sorry that people get ugly, but I hope you will keep that thick skin and realize that most people DO like what you write. Congratulations on all of your successes!
Thank you, Bonita! And yes, I feel so much better when I can get past the perfection mentality of wanting everyone to like everything. But it’s just not possible 🙂
May I just say … you hate Twitter because it is stupid ? It’s like digital junk mail …. Gee, I’m being a Hater! ; )
#SoTrue #TwitterSucks #Ihatehashtags 😉
Another Twitter hater here! It is so middle school!
Very inspiring. I really need to get back into my blog again. I know there is potential there if I put in the time and effort and built it out.
Yes, so much potential. And the cool thing is once you figure out what works it starts to take less and less time to replicate that success!
Bummer i just read the article today and i missed the 75 bucks off!!
🙁 I’ll let you know if any more coupons pop up.
If you worry about what other people think, it will be impossible to stay true to yourself. Great job Alexa on staying focused, working hard, and doing what’s best for you.
Thank you for sharing, it was very helpful and inspiring! I hesitated to sign up to the course, but I still did it and it looks like there is a lot to learn 🙂
Yes there is A LOT in there. That’s why I’m going to back through again 🙂
That is a heck of a jump from September to March. I need my page views to go up like that. I may have to check out the blog academy.