Having a child and being pregnant is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have in life. However, we all need tummy exercises to lose the mom pouch. Although becoming a parent is beautiful what it does to your body is another subject altogether. Furthermore, the most complained about body issue that most moms have after childbirth is known as the “mummy tummy”. This is normally the extra fat that gathers around the top of your belly button.
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AB Exercises To Lose The Mom Pouch
It may seem like a lot of effort to get rid of your mummy tummy. In addition, there are many great exercises that target this belly fat and will get rid of your mom’s pouch in no time. Although there are many ab exercises that target this core belly fat in this post we have chosen the simplest exercises that can be done at home without the need for any equipment. Read on for the best ab exercises for moms.
Check out Fittwirr.com for more ab exercises.
Plank Twists

If melting the fat off the sides of your belly is what your looking for this is the perfect exercise for you. This plank twist is a killer to do however they will make the sides of your stomach slim and trim. In order to start this exercise, you’ll need to be in the basic plank position. Put your hands directly underneath your elbows and your feet together stretched out behind you. Next, bend your right knee and bring it over the lefthand side of your body, and twist your body to allow your right foot to come inside of your left knee. Now return to your right foot and repeat with your left leg.
Top Tip: It important to engage your abs as you lift your leg up and over across your body to make the exercise more effective.
Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are one of the best tummy exercises to lose the mom pouch. This is because it encourages all of your muscles to work when performing this exercise. Although it may seem great to be working all these ab muscles at once you;ll definitely feel the pain after. In order to perform this move lie flat on your back with your shoulders off the floor and your hand behind your head and your leg at a 90-degree angle. Now bring one knee in toward your chest while turning your shoulders and bringing the opposite elbow across your body to meet with your knee. Once you’ve performed this then alternate to the other knee and elbow and repeat.
Top Tip: When turning your shoulders towards your knee remember to use your abs. This will allow you to get a more effective ab work out.
Windshield Wipers

With this work out not only will you be working your abs but you’ll also be working your hips and obliques as well. Hence why this makes the perfect stomach work out. To start this work out you need to lie on your back with your hands out to the side and your palms facing downwards. Place your legs together and lift them straight up into the air above your hips. Now slowly lower your legs 45 degrees to the left, bring them back over your hips, and nack down to the right. Repeat on alternative sides.
Top Tip: Make sure to stabilize yourself using your arms and keep your upper body on the mat.
Reverse Crunches

Just by simply doping curches you won’t be able to flatter your stomach or tone up your abs very well. In order to do this, there are other exercises that will have to be performed well such as the reverse crunches. In order to perform this lie flat on your back with your palms facing downwards. Now bring your knees off the floor towards your chest and raise your hips off the floor and crunch your knees in and your toes reaching towards the ceiling. Bring your legs back down slowly to your starting position and repeat.
Top Tip: Remember use your core muscles to lift your legs and hips up. This is so that you are working your ab muscles correctly.
Flutter Kicks

These Flutter kick exercises are cruel, however, they are very effective when it comes to tummy exercises to lose the mom pouch. It’s a great workout to burn away that unwanted belly fat. So let’s begin, lie on your back with legs straight, arms at your side, and palms facing down. Now lift your legs to a position that’s comfortable for you. Make sure that your back is still firmly on the mat. If you notice your back is arching you need to lift your legs higher until it no longer arches. Next, bring your legs out to a wide āVā and then bring them in while crossing your right foot over the other. Furthermore, open them again into a āVā and then bring your left foot over the other.
Top Tip: To make this exercise more difficult lift your shoulders up while crossing your legs over. This may seem difficult at first however keep at it and you’ll be able to do more and get that flat tummy your looking for.
Tummy Exercises To Lose The Mom Pouch- Conclusion
As you can see there are many easy tummy exercises to lose the mom pouch. Many of these can be performed at home and require little equipment. There are many other exercises available however you may want to try the above before performing more advanced exercises. For other easy ab exercises check out Prevention.com.