Toddlers are so cute however they can be tricky to feed and very demanding. Here are some tricks to getting your demanding toddler to eat. Most toddlers are curious about life and everything around them but in a second they can turn from that cute little child to a feeding nightmare. It can be very stressful for parents when the toast isn’t in the right shape for your little one. Introducing new foods to encourage your child to eat a balanced diet can also be extremely stressful. Toddlers can be very demanding when it comes to eating one minute they love apples the next they hate them.
Getting Your Demanding Toddler To Eat
It’s important to realize that when you place food in front of your toddler that they reject it doesn’t mean they don’t like it. Keep trying to introduce it to them soon they may surprise you. It all depends on the mood they are in and they may gobble it up one day and hate it another. You also need to see if your toddler is turning away from foods they like this may mean they are sick or teething. There are many reasons why toddlers refuse food. It may be that they want to think independently and choose what they want to eat. It may also be to get a reaction out of you. It’s important you are flexible and not to worry too much, as this can cause stress.
Note: If your child is losing weight or not gaining weight it’s important you take them to the doctor. There may be some advice they can give to help you.
Try Nutrition Shakes
If your child is losing weight or not gaining weight it’s important you take them to the doctor. There may be some advice they can give to help you. Many of my friends have noticed that PediaSure SideKicks are the only way to get their toddlers to eat. In this post, we will be looking at ways to help you to get your demanding toddler to eat. These shakes provide your little one with 7 grams of protein and 25 vitamins and minerals that your fussy little eater will be missing.
PediaSure SideKicks are clinically proven to help your child to grow. They come in a number of delicious flours which will entice the fussiest little eaters. These nutritious shakes come in Vanilla, Chocolate, and strawberry. PediaSure SideKicks provide your fussy little ones with the nutrients they need. These shakes can be purchased at Walmart in the baby section. These are great to take on the go while running errands and traveling.
Not only can you use these little shakes on the go but you can also use them at home. You can add them to pancakes to add extra nutrients. Check out parenting chaos for the receipt.
Avoid making favorite foods
It’s important that you don’t keep making your toddler’s favorite finds again and again. Offering your toddler the same foods all the time will make it hard to introduce new foods through childhood and later on in life. It may also encourage your toddler to be fussier as they will realize by rejecting new foods they will be offered their favorite. Giving your child different foods will open their mind to a variety of textures and flavors. Why not try a bento box-style packed lunch to open their minds to variety. Check out Eat this, not that!
Serve small amounts
When introducing your toddler to new foods the worse thing you want to do is introduce too much. Serve small amounts of new foods to your toddler. A teaspoon or two of new foods will be a manageable amount. You may overwhelm your little one if you offer too much especially if it’d something they don’t end up liking.
Try new foods early
Try serving new foods to your toddler when they are younger and don’t have many favorite foods. This means they are more likely to discover more flavors. If your toddler is used to eating certain foods they like they are less likely to reject new foods. It’s also important to try new foods earlier on in the day when your little one is not overtired or fussy. You’ll need to catch them when they’re in a good mood as you’ll have better luck serving them with the healthy food you want them to eat.
Let them help pack lunch
Let them help you put their lunch together. If you let your little one choose the food they want to eat and help you prepare it they will feel a source of accomplishment and they are more likely to eat. It can also help you bond with your child in the kitchen and teach them some new skills. You can start by letting them take carrots out of the bag or even tear lettuce.
Encourage them
As a parent it’s important that your their role model when it comes to trying new foods. If you want your child to eat a certain food eat the same one yourself. A good example would be if you want your toddler to eat bell peppers at them see you eating them at the same time. Many toddlers want to be like their mommy’s.
Tricks To Getting Your Demanding Toddler To Eat- Conclusion
It can be very frustrating getting your toddlers to eat and try new foods. There is a light at the end of the tunnel your toddler will eat when they are hungry. This is the best way to make sure they make the right choices when it comes to food. Always remember if you don’t think your child is not getting enough nutrients and variety speak to your pediatrician and maybe try PediaSure Sidekicks. If you try some of our tricks to getting your demanding toddler to eat you’ll see a difference in no time.