If you’re new here I started posting income reports when I started this blog, almost seven years ago. I initially had goals of making a few hundred dollars per month and then slowly growing that amount. Luckily, that’s what I’ve been able to do.
In 2012 I decided that earning money online was going to be the only way I could create the life I wanted living in a small town with no good job options. I dove in head first and started trying things out. I’ve failed at sooo many different things and have had great successes with others.
I’ve earned money through being a freelance writer, virtual assistant, and blogger. (And yes, I know how crazy that sounds to most people!) Right now my income is coming solely from blogging.
I took a year off from doing income reports after the birth of my last daughter and now they’re back.
March 2019 Blogging Income
Last month I said February would probably be my lowest month income-wise. Well….in March I only beat February by one dollar! (Haha…so maybe I am right?)
In March I earned $3,013.64

(As a reminder this is the money I actually received in February.)
It broke down like this:
- Ad Networks – $1,006.94
- Affiliate Income – $1,406.70
- Sponsored Posts – $600
Nothing too exciting happened in March. I did a couple of sponsored posts. (I don’t accept many sponsored posts as I only work with companies that truly are a good fit.) Other than that traffic and income all stayed about the same.
Blogging Goals Check Up
I set some blogging goals that I want to accomplish this quarter. I’m scheduled to have these tasks finished by June. Here’s the current progress:
Get 2 Months Ahead on Content – Currently one month ahead.
Create 2 New Email Opt-ins – Haven’t started yet.
Create a Money Product – Haven’t started yet.
Resources for New Bloggers
First of all if you’re always saying that you want to start a blog but haven’t done it yet-why not? Starting a blog is not as a hard as you think or very expensive. (I have a discount affiliate link that will get you hosting for $3-$5 per MONTH depending on the plan you choose.)
Blogging is something that can open up many doors but at the same time takes a lot of learning and hard work to build up.
If you’re a new blogger here are some helpful resources:
SEO for Bloggers – This breaks down everything you need to do to work on search engine optimization for your blog.
How to Make Money with Ad Networks – My take on making ads profitable for your blog.
Recommended Blogging Course – Elite Blog Academy. This course only opens once per year but you can get on the waiting list through that link.
(If you have blogging questions and want my input feel free to email me – alexa.mason @ yahoo.com)
How was your March? I’d love to hear!

So happy you are doing Income Reports! Question for you have you tried using other ad companies beside adsense?
Thanks! Yes, I use Media.net a little bit. I also used Monumetric for awhile. I really liked it at first but it seemed like I earned less every month until adsense seemed like a way better option. Plus, they were showing full page ads on some of my most popular posts which I didn’t like at all. I just prefer to be in control of my ads so they don’t go overboard.
Yes, I was with monumetric too and switch to Mediavine. And you have control of your ads. Email me if you want more information.