I feel like I start every one of my life updates with “Times goes by so quick” so I am not going to do that this time. (Even though time does go too quick 😉 )
The weather is starting to straighten up around here. I was complaining about my heating bill but now I am complaining about how darn hot it gets in this trailer. It’s been around 70 degrees outside and about 82 degrees inside! I think it’s about time I buy an air conditioner. I am very glad the cold is over though and hopefully next months electric bill will be mild compared to what it has been.
Extra Income
With one week left in the month I am only half way to my $350 goal. There is is still a pretty good chance that I will hit this because I made $150 the first week of April. We will just have to see what the week brings.
I am actually proud of myself. I have stuck to my guns that I am not going to take crappy jobs or let people low ball me. I have passed up $610 worth of crap jobs this month. So I could have more than doubled my goal. In the end if I wanted to spend 50 hours to make $600 I could just get a second job or work more hours at the job I have now. I know what type of jobs I want and the pay I am willing to take. They are out there, I just have to hunt!
I slacked off on marketing my writing the end of March and beginnng of April. The past week I have been working on this hard core. I need to continue to be consistent and bring more income in from this.
Divorce Drama
Things were starting to go really well with the ex, we were even almost friends again…..I think I told you that girlfriend number 1 got kicked out of rehab for failing a drug test? She now has a year of county jail hanging over her head but seeing as the jails are so packed nobody is out looking for her. So she is free for awhile, well until she gets caught.
So the ex ditched girl number two and started seeing girl number one again. And I asked him not to bring our girls around her and again he got mad. He normally has pretty good judgement so I don’t see why that makes him so mad. Obviously she is not going to change if she got banned from rehab for failing a drug test. After a heated debate he agreed not bring the girls around her UNLESS they got serious. Nice.
In Other News…
My oldest daughter, Kailyn, is almost two months into gymnastics and she loves it. I was always so shy as a kid and she is the complete opposite. It’s fun to watch her interact with all the other kids. My youngest, Ava, is going to be three in two weeks. Hard to beleive they are getting so old so fast!!
I updated Monday’s post and added a lot more resources to it so check it out The Ultimate List for Earning Money Online: 50+ Resources that will Turn Your Spare Time in to Cold Hard Cash and I also added an About page to the blog.
Other than that it has just been work and spending all of my free time working online. What’s been going on with you?
Ha I say that every time too. Time does go by quickly though! And I hope he doesn’t bring the druggie girl friend around the family.
Time seriously does go by way, way too quick!
They do grow up fast. My son is about 6 weeks old and wouldn’t stop crying last night. To top it off our 2 yr old daughter decided to take off her diaper and pee on the bed. Glad to hear you’re sticking to your guns in relation to what you want to accept for jobs.
My four year old still pees the bed sometimes so I keep extra sheets and blankets on hand. I just got my youngest potty trained and she was doing great but all of sudden she decides to pee in her panties everyday again. Potty training is tough!
The weather here in KY is kind of “on again, off again” and it’s pissing me off!!!! Most mornings I wake up expecting it to be sunny and warm and today was not one of those days. It rained for most of the day then the sun came out at the end of the day. 🙁
I wish we had extra income! Well we may be able to save some extra income actually.. We paid all of our bills in advance so we won’t be looking forward to many bills in the month of May, whoo hoo!
Congrats for not accepting low ball offers. Some people and companies really try to get over on others. They think just because the economy is bad that we’ll work for $2.00 per hour. Uh, no! Not at all.
Have a great week! 🙂
I’m in Ohio. The weather is on again off again but it hasn’t snowed for a couple weeks yay!! lol at least I don’t have to turn the furnace on full blast 😉
I’d be happy if I could pay my bils in advance so congrats to you! I checked out your 484 Design Page looks great!
I am so proud of you for turning down crappy jobs. I think that is very impressive. 😉
~ Christie
Thank you, Christie 🙂
I’m in Missouri and it is supposed to be in the low 80’s today and tomorrow…then cool back off with rain and maybe snow…it is times like these that I’m not too fond of Missouri. I so hope druggie girl gets put away so a least she is not causing more stress! Today is three weeks to my court date…trying not to stress! My soon-to-be Ex requested 50/50 custody to get out of paying child support. My attorney is sure he won’t get anything close since he has not spent much time with our daughter (11 yo) since I filed in 12/11, but it is really hard not to stress!!!!