Do you remember the trailer that started it all for me? It burned this week. While the actual structure is still standing the entire inside is gutted.
Thankfully nobody was home when it happened but my brother did lose everything he owned plus his beloved dog, who was more like a child for him.
Everyone keeps asking me how I feel about it. The truth is I have absolutely zero emotional attachment to that trailer. The trailer being uninhabitable doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is seeing my brother’s heart breaking.
As I’ve sat with my brother, hugged him, and checked in on him, I’ve been knocked back down to where I need to be and apparently just in time.
You see, last year I put a huge emphasis on practicing random acts of kindness and actively looking for opportunities to positively impact others, even in the smallest of ways. This year I can’t think of more than a few things I’ve done. It’s pretty sad, but somewhere in the mix of life I stopped doing what I truly believe in.
So screw the gift lists. Screw spending money on presents. Let’s just do something for someone who really needs it. Even if it’s just sitting in silence, knowing there’s nothing you can do or say to make it better, but also knowing that just your presence makes it all that better.
Brighten Someone’s Day
So of course, I had to sit and think up a list of simple things to do that may just make someone else’s day, even in the smallest of ways.
- Send a Christmas card to a family member you haven’t talked to in a while
- Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while
- Cook dinner for a friend
- Write a letter to someone
- Go visit your parents
- Let your niece/nephews stay the night with you (<—talking to myself there!)
- Put “I Love You” notes in your kids/significant others lunch box (makes my kids’ day!)
- Genuinely ask someone how they’re doing
- Send a silly e-card
- Tell someone you appreciate them
- Just listen
- Just be there
In the end everything could’ve worked out a lot worse for my brother. It’ll take a little time for him to get over the shock of it all, but he will be fine. All of this has served as a reminder to get out of my bubble and put the focus back on other people.
So go out and do something to brighten someone else’s day. What seems insignificant to you could mean the world to someone else.
Have a happy weekend!
I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to your brother’s home. I whole heartedly agree with your message in this post though. My great grandmother on my mom’s side didn’t make it to see the holiday season this year. I only have one grandmother left period (my dad’s mom) and I’m trying to plan a day to go visit her and my aunt and cousin who I haven’t seen in forever. They live at the border of Illinois and Indiana and it would only be a 2 hour drive or less so I don’t know why I haven’t take the time out within the past 3 years or so. I’m happy to be able to clear out some time to visit and just spend some quality time together.
Do it – you will be so glad that you did and I’m sure it will make her day. I need to do something very similar which I always seem to put off too. And sorry to hear about your great grandmother.
Bravo for this post ! I hope that your brothers grief will be lightened.
~ C
Thank you. I’m just glad it wasn’t worse. A house catching on fire has always been of those things that I think just happen to other people and not me until it really hits home.
Sorry to hear of the fire and your brother having the blues about it. You are a good sister. Great post and a reminder of a recent tweet I saw, “Be the reason someone smiles today.” Something to strive for today.
Thank you. And I love that quote!
I am so sorry to hear about your brother’s dog. What was his name? For people who like writing letters there is a group called love letters. Periodically they post a list of people who are going through tough times and you send them a positive hand written letter. It is a family member or friend asking on the person’s behalf, they usually don’t know about it. It must be so lovely to receive a stack of letters and notes from people all over the world, cheering you on during your difficult time.
Oh wow! That is so awesome. I’ve never heard of that but will definitely be checking it out.
His name was Buddy 🙂
I listened to a podcast that said if you send a new person a 2 minute email in the morning for 21 days straight saying something nice, you will increase your happiness significantly (it comes from the Happiness Advantage book). I think I’m going to try it – because why not?!!
I love that! And you’re right – why not try it? I think that could definitely work. The more happy thoughts you put into your own mind and the more you do for other people the better you will feel!
I’m so sorry about the trailer and your brother’s dog. It is crazy how fast life can change in an instant. It’s an important reminder that all those gift lists and wants really aren’t that important.
Thank you. It is crazy. A definite reminder of how fast life can change!
Sorry to hear about the trailer and your brother’s dog. He’s lucky to have such a caring sister like you! Hope his days brighten soon!