Back to school season is almost here. That happened fast! I’ve always been big on staying organized. However, the back to school season can present a whole new level of overwhelm as everyone in your house transitions from their relaxed summer routine to fast-paced school-year schedule.
If you’re looking to save time and possibly money, it’s important to invest in the right tools and materials to help you stay organized and manage your household with less stress
As we gear up for the back-to-school season, I will be focusing on more than just clothes and supplies even though these things are still priorities.
In addition, I’d recommend considering some of these helpful back to school organizational items to add to your home.
If you don’t have a bookshelf already at home, take this time to scope out some deals for one. You can likely find home office items on sale during this time in addition to school supplies.
Plus, you can also order one on Amazon or buy it from your local discount store. Adding a bookshelf to your home can be a great way to encourage your kids to read more books. If they already have a lot of books, it can be a great way to help them organize what they have along with other school materials.
Bookshelves also don’t just have to be used to store books. You can also use them to organize other items around your house as well. Consider grabbing some fabric storage containers to place in the bottom row so you can store school items like paper, notebooks, flashcards.
My son doesn’t really have a designated spot to do his homework after school so we’re thinking of getting him a desk to work from. He also likes to do artwork so the desk can serve as a creative space as well.
Just as adults can benefit from having a clean and clear workspace, kids can as well.
You can find homework desks just about anywhere. If you want to go the used route, consider checking sites like Offer Up and utilizing the Facebook Marketplace.
Coat/Backpack Hanger
Tired of kids coming home and just throwing their stuff anywhere? Consider investing in a nice coat rack that can hang by the door and serve as a backpack holder as well.
As your kids get older, it’s important to help show them how they can get organized and keep up with all their school stuff.
They will gain more responsibilities year after year and putting up a rack to help them have a place for their most important school items will only help things run more smoothly.
You can find one of these for cheap on sites like Amazon or at stores like Walmart or Target.
Chores Chart
While an official chores chart isn’t an absolute must, it definitely helped our family get organized and get more done around the house.
I used to just write chores out on a sheet of notebook paper and stick it on the fridge. As it turned out no one really followed the chores plan…including me.
Then a few months ago, I found a nice chores chart whiteboard from Target for under $10 and couldn’t pass it up. The chart allowed me to write down who would be responsible for what chore each day of the week.
I liked that it was erasable so we could change people’s responsibilities as needed. It also came with a star system which is great for kids. It allows them to mark on when they’ve done their chores and you can add stars that represent rewards or acknowledgment.
Place your chores chart in a prominent place in the house so everyone can see it and stay on track during the week to avoid a pileup of tasks during the weekend.
Daily Routine Checklist
I have yet to find one of these in a whiteboard format but I’m sure they probably have something online. Last year, I realized we were literally running out of the house to get to school on time.
I found myself constantly repeating tasks for my son to do in the morning to get ready. He moved slow overall in the morning, and it just makes it a hectic time overall.
To fix these issues and get more organized, I typed up a daily routine checklist and printed it out. I included a morning routine, after school routine, and an evening routine.
That way, my son could go to the fridge and look at tasks that he had to do before school after waking up, right when he came home, and before bed so we could get off to a good start the following day.
This is a great idea to try out if you’re looking to help your kids adjust to their new schedule this school year and make the process of prepping for school and for bed in the evening run more efficiently.
Meal Plan Calendar
If you’re tired or everyone asking what’s for dinner each night especially when you have no idea yourself, you definitely want to consider using a meal plan this fall when school starts back up.
Spontaneous meals while you’re out and about and late night dinners are okay for the summer, but you’re going to need to have more structure when school starts back up.
You likely want to get the kids fed and in bed by a certain time. With the proper meal plan, you can plan out what you’re going to cook, organize and prep the food, and save money overall.
I have a meal plan that I stick on my fridge. I bought a magnetic meal planning board from the store and I just rewrite the meals every two weeks when I go shopping.
I typically plan healthy and easy-to-prepare meals that I can cook in batches so I’m not in the kitchen every night. It helps to know exactly what we’re having each night even though it may change as things come up.
Weekly Clothes Organizer
I saw one of these at the Dollar General in my area and I just had to grab one. Another thing that throws us off during the week is falling behind on laundry and choosing what my son is going to wear to school.
He takes an extremely long time to pick out an outfit if we wait until the morning so I prefer we do this at night. However, consolidating this task would be even better.
With a 5-day clothes organizer, we can choose and lay out outfits for Monday through Friday. The clothes organizer typically hangs in the closet and has 5-7 pockets or sections for the different days of the week.
You can fill each section with clothes, socks, shoes, etc. so all you and your kids have to grab an outfit and go.
Choosing the right tools and items to help you get organized for the back to school season will pay off big time. As your schedule gets busier, it’s best to plan ahead and eliminate stress and overwhelm.
Start by choosing the most tedious task that makes you or your kids feel super disorganized or fall behind schedule whether it’s meal planning, keeping the house clean, chores, etc. Then, choose which item or strategy you’ll use to help things run smoother.
What will you be doing to organize your house and smooth out your routine when school starts back up? What are some things you do year-round?