I’ve never done a random ten things about me post and thought it was time I joined the bandwagon. If you want to get to know me a little better here are ten things you might not have known. (And yes these are SUPER random.)
I’m Obsessed with Fishing
{Fishing. Kailyn caught this one 100% by herself and was super pumped she got him reeled in on her little spongebob pole.}
If it’s warm and sunny the first thing I ask Jamie when he gets home from work is “do you want to go fishing?” You can normally find us at my Dad’s pond at least 2-3 times per week.
Only right now I’m kind of obsessed with fishing with a net and bucket, as childlike as that sounds. The girls and I will set on the edge of my Dad’s pond, throw bits of hot dogs for the blue gills, and then I’ll scoop up the babies with a little goldfish net or a bucket. (Don’t worry we free them.) It’s pretty fun.
I aspire to be this good…..
I’ve had Two Miscarriages
I’ve had two miscarriages in my life and they’ve both been pretty devastating.
The first was when I was 17 years old. I had no idea I was pregnant and just started heavily bleeding one day. I went to the hospital where I was told I was three months pregnant and was miscarrying.
The second happened recently. I must’ve gotten pregnant immediately after having my IUD taken out at the five year mark. I had a missed miscarriage at six weeks. Apparently the baby never started developing and my body didn’t catch up that fast.
Having a miscarriage is so tough. Even if you aren’t particularly trying to get pregnant. It’s pretty devastating and my heart goes out to all the women who have been through a miscarriage.
My Brothers and I are Best Friends
My brothers have always been my best friends. I’m the oldest and we’re all two years apart.
If I ever need anything, am going through a hard time, or just want to hang out I go to my brothers. My older (younger) brother and I even had the same exact friends in high school so we were always together.
We were always close but after my parents were divorced we became even closer.
{2010. Me, brothers, nephew, Ava (around 4 months…..I think?) and Kailyn 1.5 years old. }
Bonus random fact: I gained sixty pounds with each of my pregnancies with the girls and it took a year to lose it.
My Favorite Restaurant is Red Lobster
My favorite restaurant is Red Lobster. I get the Ultimate Feast but have the lobster replaced with extra snow crab. Oh, and I always get stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer. So good.
My second favorite restaurant is Long Horn Steak House.
I am SUPER Introverted
I am super introverted. I am no good at small talk at all. I just CANNOT do it. I’ve tried to force myself to do small talk but it’s not something that comes naturally.
I hate large group settings and I hate talking on the phone.
{My favorite Spring activity is mushroom hunting. I just like to be outside!}
Over the past couple of years of building a freelance business I’ve had to push myself way out of my comfort zone which has helped with this a little. However, I’d still prefer to be with a few close friends or family members rather than a large group.
There are 13 Years Between me and Jamie
Jamie is 13 years older than I am. I am 28 and he is 41.
To me this is no big deal (obviously!) but I think it’s funny some of the comments we get. (Like him being a stud for getting a younger woman.)
I Am a Horror Movie Junkie
{Summer 2014. Camping in the woods.}
I am a total horror movie junkie. And not like the typical slasher horror movies. I like Indie horror movies that don’t have such moronic mainstream ideas.
Jamie hates horror movies but he watches them with me anyway.
I Hate Getting Up Early
Jamie suggested that I added this one here. In fact, it was the number one on his list for me.
{Ava got my phone and took a pic of me sleeping one morning!}
No, I don’t like getting up early. I’d be quite content with sleeping until 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. every day. Unfortunately that only gets to happen 1-2 days a week and yes, I am quite grumpy if you try to wake me up early.
I Am a Homebody
I am super content with where I am right now. I know some people think this is shortsighted or, what’s the word “unworldly.” (I read one article where a woman said she hated travel and a commenter told her she needs to make up for her missed education.)
{Kailyn mad that Mommy won’t get off the tire swing. I like kid fun. ;)}
That’s not to say I never like to leave the house. I like to take little trips with my girls and yes we do leave the house. I just have no ambitions to travel the world (or even the country.) I am super happy with where I am at. And for me I think this is a great thing.
I have everything I need right where I am!
I Am Grateful for Hardships
I am grateful for everything hard I’ve been through in my life.
I can feel empathy for other people. I judge less and try to understand more. I know that no story is one sided and we can never truly understand what’s going on in the minds and hearts of other people.
And for that I’m truly grateful.
Now tell me ten random things about you!
I like horror movie and don’t like talking on the phone too. I hate getting up early. In fact, you do better than I do. I think 9:30 a.m. is still early for me.
Truth be told I’d probably get up a whole lot later if I didn’t have kids 😉
Red Lobster is also one of my favorite places to eat and I never knew that people hunted for mushrooms. I would have never guessed that you’re an introvert from reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing with us a glimpse of your life and thanks for all the great information you give us on a daily basis.
Oh fresh Morel mushrooms are the best! And it’s pretty fun finding them 🙂
This was a great post, Alexa!! I’m about the same age as you (29…but I’ll be the big 3-0 next month) and have two little girls, ages 3 and 21 months. While I do eventually want to travel, I am also completely content with where I am! I love our new state of NC and marvel at how beautiful it is here everyday. Nothing makes me happier than spending time with my husband and daughters!
Also…an internal struggle of mine is whether or not to have more babies. I feel busy and overwhelmed as it is, but I’m just not sure our family is complete at two kids 🙂
Love your blog, thanks for sharing this!!
Thanks, Sarah. I’ll be 29 in September and I’ve been dreading turning 30 for like the past three years. I feel like I should still be 18….haha
Making the choice to have more kids is a tough one. And I think you’re still in the thick of the hard stuff with your kids being that young. Mine are 5 and 6 now and while they’re still a handful they aren’t quite as hard to parent as they were when they were two and three. Although I do miss those chasing-a-toddler-around days 🙂
My favorite restaurant is Red Lobster too! And I’ve been substituting the lobster for extra crab legs with the ultimate feast for years now, haha! I’m a homebody as well and I love to bake. I usually don’t open up right away when I first meet someone and it takes a little time but I’m not super shy either if that makes sense. So sorry to hear about your miscarriages, that had to be tough to go through 🙁 My mom had one after my younger sister was born she said it was pretty rough.
That’s crazy! Great minds think alike 🙂 I’m the same way with you when it comes to people. I don’t consider myself shy I’m just not one to jump into a random conversation. It takes me a little while to warm up to someone.
My boyfriend is 15 years older than me and we are perfect together. I am also an introvert, actually a hermit but as a writer I like learning about people so instead of small talk when I meet someone new I asked them about themselves, their hobbies, their jobs, their kids. Those are all things people like to talk about and it takes the onus off me to say something clever. We are different in that I love to travel. Especially Europe. There is something, for me, about walking down cobble stoned streets knowing they are the same stones that people have trod upon for a thousand years. I kind of get chills.
I love the way you describe Europe. Makes it sound so beautiful and neat!
1.) I remember fishing with my grandpa using my Mickey Mouse fishing pole. Best memory with my Grandpa 🙂
2.) I would love to go Mushroom hunting with you. Those morels look delicious
3.) I always go to Red Lobster when I visit my Grandma. I always treat her and then gorge myself on the cheese rolls.
4.) I’m not a morning person-but I’m forcing myself to wake up early and do the Miracle Morning.
5) I’m sorry to here about the miscarriages. Am glad that you’ve been blessed with the girls.
Thank you for sharing!
I’ve been wanting to read the miracle morning. I know if I would force myself to get up an hour before the girls I’d probably be a whole lot better off. Instead they’re the ones who wake me up in the morning.
Husband is 11 years my senior. It’s a great fit, he’s more mature in some cases, I am more mature in others 😀
I am an orphan (was abandoned by my mother when I was few days old). Spent my first 5 years in orphanages, while my father and his family tried to get my custody. They finally made it through all the legal chaos and I had a great childhood afterwards.
I LOVE animals, dogs especially.
Fortunately for me, I never miscarried, got pregnant few days after deciding to (and getting off the pill).
I love animals too, especially dogs! I’m glad to hear that your childhood turned around for the better.
It’s crazy how fast you can get pregnant after getting off of birth control. That’s what happened with my second daughter. I had to have gotten pregnant with her the same week I went off the pill.
I’m so sorry about your miscarriages. Those can be really hard. I’ve never had one (that I know of) but when I was little, my mom had a miscarriage and I still remember how devastated she was. It took her a long time to get up the courage to try to get pregnant again (hence, the large age gap between my sisters and myself).
It is hard. It’s actually what prompted me to write this post. I didn’t want to write an entire post about it and depress everyone but just writing that little section up there made me feel so much better. It’s kind of crazy how much better I felt my just getting that off my chest and sharing it with the world.
Glad to hear you’re a fellow horror movie junkie! I love scary movies!!
Man, cheddar bay biscuits from Red Lobster are so good!!
Oh yes, the biscuits are the best 🙂 My grandmas used to stuff them in her purse and take them home with her lol But now they offer you some to take home which makes it better 🙂
I enjoyed getting to know you better through this post, Alexa. After reading this, I think you and I are complete opposites, except for maybe the introverted personality and facing hardships. Haha!
I’m an introvert who often has to function as an extrovert, but I do not like to be home or alone all the time. I have to be with people just like I have to have time away from them to recharge.
Fun post!!
Hi Alexa, Also an introvert here. What a great way to share more info about yourself so we can get to know you. I was so close with my brother growing up, but the distance has kept us from doing things together. I’m closer now with his wife. I’ve never tried mushroom hunting but we have friends and family that do this. I hear it’s so much fun.