Good morning. I hope you had an amazing Christmas!
Our past week and a half was pretty crazy and included us three girls getting sick, once again. (New goal: work on improving my immune system.)
Let’s rewind to about a week and a half ago……….
My nephew stayed the night with us. We went from having him 2-3 days per week over the summer to only seeing him about once a month since he moved an hour and a half a way with his mom. The girls really missed him.
My mom came over to visit him too.
We made a TON of Christmas cookies and quite the mess too.
Then on Sunday Kailyn woke up with a fever and Spencer went home. Ava and I cleaned the house back up and Kailyn fell asleep off and on throughout the day. By the time night came around she was burning up with a fever so I slept with her.
The next day I took Ava to the babysitter for a Christmas party while I took Kailyn to the doctor. Poor little Kailyn was downright miserable and tested positive for the flu. We got back home and as Kailyn and I laid down for a nap the babysitter called – Ava was running a fever and wouldn’t move.
We went and picked her up. She had the flu too. Fast forward a couple hours and I started feeling really, really bad. We all cuddled up together and slept. Ava threw up all night long.
Tuesday was much of the same. I managed to get the bare minimum of work I needed to do completed and we all cuddled up, watched movies, and slept, slept, slept. Tuesday evening the girls’ dad came and got them and kept them until Wednesday afternoon so I could get some rest.
When the girls came home on Wednesday they were feeling so much better. Pretty close to their normal selves. The Tamiflu the doctor had given them really knocked the flu right out of them. It was our Christmas miracle! 🙂 My Dad came over and brought the girls their gifts.
Thursday morning the girls woke up to all of the presents Santa had left them. Ava seemed to be in Heaven. Her eyes lit up over every single thing and I can’t even described how excited she was. My mom and my brothers came over to visit and eat lunch.
Ava’s favorite present was a Dress Up Dora Doll that took me some digging to find. She absolutely loves it.
Kailyn wasn’t nearly as excited by the gifts as Ava was. She already has her American Girl Doll so there was nothing in particular that she had asked for. I think her two favorite gifts ended up being a Barbie diary and notebooks I got from the Dollar Tree of all things.
This might sound weird but I feel like we got to really slow down and spend time together because we all got sick. Sure none of us felt good (at all) but I am just glad we all got to be so close on Christmas and enjoy each others’ company. It’s not often that I sleep with my girls but they love it so much when I do, even if they are sick. Â It ended up being a great Christmas!!
How did your Christmas go?Â
Sorry to hear you were all so sick!! But glad your Christmas was so nice. :). Here in Australia it was pretty hot but we still had a great time too. I really enjoy reading your blog, and as a single mum, it’s very inspirational for me 🙂
Thank you, Claudia! It’s awesome to know that you’re reading from Australia. As much as I hate traveling I’ve always wanted to visit Australia. I could use some warm weather right now 🙂
I’m glad that you are feeling better! It sucks to get sick at this time of year. But, I do think it was an opportunity to hang with the little ladies. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you! It’s weird but in a way I’m glad we got sick. We all just cuddled and relaxed all week. It wasn’t the usual rushing around.
Sorry to hear about you guys getting sick. Amen for Tamiflu. I had the flu too and that stuff really helped cut down my recovery time.
The Tamiflu really worked for the girls. I was shocked!
Your Christmas sounded just like ours. We had the flu and are recovering from it. We made the best out of it but we mostly slept.
I hope you’re feeling better! We did a TON of sleeping.
I’m sorry you and the girls were sick over Christmas, but I’m glad to hear your all doing fin now. We had a great Christmas. The boys had a lot of fun open gifts and we had a huge crowd over Christmas morning. The tradition is that my husbands parents and sisters all come over for Christmas breakfast and to watch the boys open gifts. This year since my mom was in town from Colorado she was there and brought my grandmother. My dad also came this year and brought my other grandma and his girlfriend. So we had a house full of family all dressed in their pj’s. It was a lot of fun….one of the best I think.
That sounds great! Being with family is definitely my favorite part of Christmas 🙂
Glad to hear you’re all feeling better! That can’t be easy to balance taking care of your kiddos while you’re sick too. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas in spite of it. Best wishes for a happy New Year!
If we’re all down sick it’s not too bad. The hard part is when I’m sick and they aren’t. 🙂
It was a Christmas of firsts. First one in the apartment, after selling the house, first one as our new family (boyfriend moved in with me and daughter). It was really great. Life is simpler in the apartment. Boyfriend surprised my daughter with a guitar, she never expected to get. I work in health care so I work a lot during the holidays but I don’t mind. It was a great holiday season. I am really psyched about 2015. Just started Elite Blog Academy. It’s going to be a good year.
Woohoo! Glad everything is going so great with the boyfriend. That’s awesome 🙂 Elite Blog Academy will do wonders for you blog. I’m blown away by the results I’ve gotten so far!!
Awww, hey, that’s one way to see the silver lining in being sick! I’m glad you guys had a great Christmas- those cookies look delicious btw!! 🙂
Thank you 🙂 The pictures are my stash with homemade icing. Apparently I’m the only one in my family who hates store bought icing lol. So I have to make a batch of cookies for me and a batch for everyone else.
aww that ending part about spending time together is so sweet!
thank you 🙂