In today’s economy stretching your hard earned dollars is important. With the right resources you can buy the things you need (and want) at a price that fits in your budget.
Below are the resources that help me save money and keep my budgeting under control.
Save Money on Insurance
I am a personal lines insurance agent. I can vouch for the fact that you definitely should get your insurance quoted with different companies about every three years because your insurance rates will go up. That’s just how insurance works.
You can get quotes online from individual companies like Geico.com or a place like USInsuranceOnline.com where you can get quotes from multiple companies. There’s also nothing wrong with giving your local independent agent a call to see if they will quote you with a few companies. I am always happy if I can save someone money on insurance, I am sure your local agents are the same way.
Tips For Getting Online Quotes
- Get out your dec pages from your previous policy
- Liability limits usually look like this on your dec pages 100/300/100 (The first number is bodily injury per person, the second bodily injury per accident, and the third is property damage limit) These limits cover damage’s to others, not to you or your family.
- Check your comprehensive/other than collision deductible (this cover’s anything that is not collision. deer, hail, rain, etc.)
- Collision covers any collision damaged caused by you. (You hit another car, a building etc.)
- Comp & Collision together are considered “full coverage”
- It’s usually a good idea to go higher than state minimum liability limits. If you get into a major accident minimum limits might not be enough to cover the damage or medical expenses to others and you will be sued.
- Always add uninsured and under-insured liability coverage to your policy. This will protect you if you are hit by someone who does not have insurance or who does not have enough insurance.
- Recommended liability limits are 100/300/100, especially if you are a homeowner. If you don’t have any assets to protect you could go lower.
Finally, if you are a reader of this blog and ever have a question about getting online quotes, email me, and I will do my best to walk your through the process and answer your questions.
Save Money on Clothes
It’s very easy to save money on clothes. For my daughters clothes I shop yard sales and do clothing swaps with family members. When shopping for myself I prefer consignments shops and here lately, online consignment shops.
I like designer/name brand clothes. They are higher quality, always fit me better, and make me feel good when I wear them. I also have a semi professional job that I have to dress up for.
My new favorite place to shop for clothes is Thred Up.
This was my last order. I got 5 items for $36.95 with free shipping. That is $7.39 per item!! Yes, they are used but they are high quality and in excellent condition. I don’t think you can beat the bang for the buck. They offer free shipping on orders over $50 and offer coupon codes from time to time. You can see in the picture above that I used coupon code LADY15 and got $15.00 off of my order.
If you shop through my link you will get $10.00 off of your first order and I will get $10.00 off of my next order. A win-win situation! You can do so by clicking here.
Articles on Saving Money on Clothing:
Books That Will Help You Reign in Your Frugality
In my opinion the The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness is the first book that any single mother, or anyone struggling financially for that matter, should read. In this book Ramsey lays out a step by step plan that forms a solid financial foundation. This book covers all of the basics –
- Why you should get out of debt and stay that way
- The debt snowball method (eliminate your debt)
- Emergency Funds
- Mortgages
- Retirement
- College Funds
- Giving Back and Enjoying Life
If you are new to personal finance books this is an excellent place to start!
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget written by Crystal Paine of moneysavingmom.com offers practical advice that everybody should be incorporating into their financial know how. From the importance of keeping a clean home, using coupons, setting goals and actually acheiving them, this book is jam packed with information you can immediately start using.