Well I did it! I finally got moved into the trailer. I have had new experience after new experience the past six months. I moved out of my home and in with my dad, living with people who have a completely different lifestyle than I do. I adjusted to that. I got through the initial depression and confusion of the divorce, have made a custody schedule with my exhusband and now I am living on my own.
I have never been by myself before. It’s very exciting for me but yet there are still moments when I feel lonely (especially at night time.) I have befriended people I never thougt I would and have put more value on friendships rather than putting all of my energy into one relationship. Big adjustments here, but it’s a great feeling to rediscover who I am and who I want to be instead of who a man wants me to be.
I have learned more about myself in the past six months than I have in the past 26 years. I have stopped placing judgements on people and started to really understand where people are coming from, why they do what they do and live the way live. Every person is brought up differently and has their own story. I now understand that being perfect is so overrated (and unattainable) and that our flaws and imperfections are what makes each of special.
My girls seem to be adjusting just fine and they love to be able to spend so much time with my family. My brothers are my best friends once again, just like they were when we were growing up.
It’s crazy how differently I see the world. I could care less about material posessions. I don’t need a big house or a nice car, I just want to spend time with the people who care about me the most. That’s it. (Ofcourse that doesn’t take away the fact that I am still a personal finance nerd.)
Here’s a couple updates on that note:
- I added $500 to the emergency fund so far and hope to add a little more.
- I have a bonus of around $1300 coming this month and should have another $1000 bonus coming to me in January.
- I haven’t done any more Christmas shopping ( I really need to get on that)
Overall life is pretty good. I miss my girls when they go stay with Daddy, but other than that no complaints!
How’s life going for you? Is your Christmas shopping finished yet?
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Sounds like everything is coming together for you. Good to see you are putting money away for your emergency fund, that must feel great! Better get on that Christmas shopping.. though I’m one to talk.. Cheers! Mr.CBB
Well it makes me feel slighlty better that I am not the only one who needs to get on the Christmas shopping! 😀
Hey Alexa. I’m with you my Christmas shopping isn’t done yet. Normally I’m done 6 weeks before the big day so I’m out of my league. I’ve never braved the crowds…. I’m not going to this year either. I’ll shop online for the rest of my shopping as I can still get it before Christmas.