Another month has passed us by and we are now in a new month and a new year. I am pleased with my progress on December’s goals. I didn’t quite get everything checked off the list but I spent most of the month trying to get settled into the trailer. It’s so nice to be on my own now. Have my own space and my own stuff after having lived with my dad the past six months.
Recap of December Goals
- Move into the Trailer YES!!!!
- Put $500 in Emergency Fund Big ole YES!! I put $2500 in the Emergency Fund in December which brings me to $4000 I almost got it!
- Keep Christmas shopping at a maximum of $700 for everyone and everything Almost………$733.58 busted it by $33.58
- Make $150 online. I started a new joint project that is looking great. I can’t wait until it’s ready for visitors! Not even close! I made $5.38. I put this project on hold until I got settled and Christmas was over with. Hopefully January will be better.
If I get moved in to the trailer this month I want to…..
- Make a meal plan NOPE
- Bring my own lunch to work everyday NOPE
- Have one day of complete quiet and relaxation YES
I have just now got settled in and have gotten all of my appliances hooked up. I did go grocery shopping this past weekend and g0t everything I need to make my meal plan and bring my lunch to work though.
Normal Continuous Goals
- Quality time,Fun time, and Learning time with my girlies YES!! ALWAYS!
Januarys Goals
- Put $500 in the Emergency Fund.
- Bring my own lunch to work everyday. (Have three cheat days to be safe 🙂 )
- Make a meal plan
- Get all of my belongings (especially clothes) super organized
- Make $50 online. I am scaling this back a bit because with the time I have to pursue my online endeavors this is a more reachable target which gives me more motivation to go for it.
- Get and stay caught up with my day jobs.
- Keep gas at $50 a week.
{Goal Motivation}
quotes via pinterest
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Good luck with your January goals! 🙂
Thanks Michelle!
Best of luck with all your January goals Alexa but I’m sure you will reach for the stars! Mr.CBB
Thank you Mr CBB!
Good luck. I’m glad you gave yourself three cheat days. It makes it easier not to fail if you know you can slack off a little bit without blowing the goal. I used to buy lunch our everyday, even if it was just a trip to the salad bar at the grocery store and have saved so much since I quit doing that. My trick is to always have some cans of soup or something you know will be available if you run out of time to fix a sandwich or make something the night before.
That’s what I need to do. Some mornings I am rushed to make it out the door one time. I thought about putting extra meals in the freezer at work to be on the safe side.