My email inbox is sitting in the hundreds right now. I saw many emails in there from blog friends (thank you!) so I thought it’d be good to do a little update.
While I had planned to just take Tuesday and Wednesday off due to last week’s surgery I actually ended up taking an entire week off of everything. (Except for a little comment/email responding on Monday.) I haven’t done that in almost three years!
I actually think it was just what I needed.
Surgery Went Well
The procedure on Tuesday went well. The doctor went over all of the previous reports with me. While she had initially done a biopsy of four spots on my cervix three of them came back as absolutely nothing. That fourth spot was removed.
While this was the second time I’ve had this done I had a slightly different experience this time-around. Nothing was really painful. I had a few gross side effects. But mostly I just felt sore paired with what felt like bad period cramps.
But for some reason or another I felt drained. Like, completely drained.
The vast majority of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were spent laying on the couch and either sleeping or watching TV, depending upon what the girls were doing or who they were with.
I don’t know if it was surgery related or just the fact that I had been worrying/stressing so much and that finally caught up with me. I couldn’t make myself do anything but just lay on the couch, which is the complete opposite of my regular personality. I normally can’t stand to sit in a messy house or not mark ten things off my to-do list, but this past week it didn’t bother me one single bit.
As a result my house is a train wreck and it’s going to take a while to get back to inbox zero but it was well worth it.
Then oddly enough, I woke up Saturday morning feeling much better. Now it feels good to be back online!
I think my week of no technology did wonders for me.
The doctor sent in the spot she removed for further testing – but since it’s no longer inside of me all is well and I’m feeling really good.
I just wanted to tell you all that I very, very much appreciate all of your prayers, emails, and comments. I love that I feel like I have my best friends through this blog and I appreciate you!
P.S. I’m starting Whole 30 today. Has anyone tried this? And if so how’d you feel after going through with the program?
Glad everything went OK on the surgery front. I’ve had various surgeries over the years and it’s not surprising that you feel worn down. Your body needs to direct every bit of available energy toward healing. In just about every case, I’ve always tried to do too much too soon (going back to work days before I should, etc.) and only after I finally shut down and rest do I start getting back to normal.
That makes total sense. I think we just tend to be too hard on ourselves! I was fully expecting to only be down for two days and even though there wasn’t much pain I just had zero energy. I felt a bit lifeless but now feeling normal again.
I’m sure your week off was well needed. I’m glad you recovered well and I’m looking forward to your upcoming post!
Thank you!
I’m glad to hear your surgery went well. I hope you’re feeling well rested. 🙂
I haven’t done Whole 30, but I have done a few clean eating weeks. Good luck!
Thanks! So far the Whole30 is going pretty well. Well, other than the fact that no matter how much I eat I feel like I’m starving. It takes a TON of whole foods to make up the calories I must’ve been getting from junk.
Had some similar thing 3 years ago. Got pregnant after 3 months 😀
It’s indeed stressful and it does take a toll on your body. Just rest and let your body do its healing thing 🙂
Resting can be so hard to do 🙂 But I did it and feel much, much better now. Glad to hear you were able to get pregnant so quickly after. I had this same thing done when I 21 and got pregnant with my first daughter shortly after.
Happy to hear it. In my case the issue could have been solved with medication (would have taken longer) or a simple cauterization. I decided to have the procedure, which didn’t hurt at all (was sedated) and my recover was really really fast. It did allow me to heal faster and get pregnant as soon as possible (since I was planning to have a baby and just couldn’t wait anymore :)).
It’s always okay to take some time off and take care of our selves. So glad you are feeling better. Everything else will get back in line with a few days of normal.
Yes I think things have gotten there now. My house is back to being clean. Yay!
You sat in a messy house and it didn’t bother you ? You didn’t get anything on your list done! Congrats Girl! You have seen the light !!!
Seriously, glad that everything went well.
~ Christie
Lol thanks. A messy house drives me crazy. It didn’t last week but it did this week. It’s much better now. (Well, except for the girls rooms which are covered in clothes and legos but I’m letting that go.)
You’re going to HOVE the the Whole30!! Hate + Love = Hove. ‘Cause you’ll hate it in the beginning, but LOVE it by the end. Glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you’re resting. I’m a firm believer that our whole society needs to knock of the constant break-neck pace that we have going on.
Whole30 isn’t too bad so far. Right now I see my biggest weakness as apparently not eating enough calories because I am feeling starved no matter how much I eat. One thing that I’ve already noticed is how much better I’m tasting food. Like fruit equals heaven right now. It tastes SO good after eating just vegetables and meat and I’ve never been crazy over fruit.
I’m glad to hear you feel better! It’s good to take some time off because everyone you need it. Plus, you have kids to take care of. It’s easy for you. Take care, Alexa. Keep us updated ok? 🙂
I’m glad everything went okay and you’re on the road to recovery. Sometimes you just need to unplug. It can do wonders.