How is it November already? This is insane to me. Every time I sit down to write out my goals for the month I’m reminded how fast time goes by. A huge reminder of how important it is to use time wisely.
October Goals Recap
October has come and gone. Here’s what went down.
- Do Two Fun Learning Themed Weekends {Kind of.}
I didn’t get the Amish themed weekend in how I had planned. It seemed like everything we did was Halloween related. I dug out some Halloween picture books, we watched Casper the Friendly Ghost and Coraline Jones, had a full blown Halloween bake fest at my Aunts house. We made cookies, candy, and cupcakes. I also took the girls trick or treating at a Church and they went again on beggar’s night with their dad.
I picked up a couple new Preschool/Kindergarten workbooks at Meijer. One of these was a sticker workbook which they both absolutely loved and begged to do everyday until we had completed every single page. I need to find more of these.
Earn $2,000 this month- Email 5 writing prospects per weekday
- Write One Article Per Week for Defeat Out Debt
I just tallied up October’s income and it came to $2,338.05. Better than last month but still just a bit less than August. Either way, I’m pretty happy with it 😉
I failed miserably at emailing prospects daily and keeping up with Defeat Our Debt. This month will be a completely different story though. (Promise.)
Personal Goals
Go to Church Every SundayRead 3 Books. Read: Daughter of Light, The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
, No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline
, and Write Your Way Out of the Rat Race…And Step Into a Career You Love
I went to Church every Sunday and Kailyn is going to be in the Christmas play. She is super excited! I also read four books but I did switch up my original reading list a bit.
November Goals
November is a huge month for me. Mainly because this is the month I’ll figure out what working from home is going to be like for me. I want to focus on some growth in the blogging/writing area to keep me focused.
- Work with Kailyn on writing new words.
- Work with Ava on writing her name and numbers.
I really want to find a couple more of those sticker books mentioned above. I need to hit up Amazon and see what they have!
- Earn $2,000
- Do 5 Guest Posts
- Find 3 New Writing Gigs
- Update Defeat Our Debt Weekly
I still don’t have enough steady work to push my income goal much over the 2k a month mark. Hopefully this month I can secure some steady, recurring work and then be able to increase my income goal next month.
I have also created a schedule for posting on Defeat Our Debt so it will go much smoother.
Personal Goals
- Go to Church Every Sunday
- Be able to Hit the Target with the 9mm
- Get Out of the House 3 Times per Week
I have to keep going to Church on the list for now. I feel like every time I take it off the list I stop going…..not good.
After blogging and writing, shooting is my absolute favorite hobby. I just love it and it’s such a huge stress reliever. By now I am the queen of the 22, have mastered the 357, and even do okay with the AK. But for some reason I cannot hit the target with the 9mm Every time I release the trigger I give the gun a slight jerk and end up shooting the ground right in front of the target. So, this month’s goal is just to be able to hit the target. If I can do this I’ll worry about getting the bulls eye later.
I’m also afraid that working from home is going to turn me into a hermit so I want to make sure I get out of the house at least three times per week. I’m thinking I may go visit my dad one day next week at his store, which I rarely go to.
So, that’s it for me. What are you fired up about this month?
Thanks to the following blogs for including me in their carnivals Aspiring Blogger Financial Carnival hosted by Aspiring Blogger, Carnival of MoneyPros hosted by Money Soldiers, Yakezie Carnival hosted by Budget For Health, Carnival of Financial Planning hosted by Family Money Values, Carnival of Personal Finance hosted by Jana Says, Carnival of Financial Independence hosted by Money Smart Guides, Festival of Frugality hosted by Save and Conquer, Carnival of Money hosted by Bryan Maltier
Woohoo for reaching $2k income and for going to church every Sunday! Funny you should mention shooting, as I have never shot a gun. I would really like to go to the range but you don’t really get around to it unless someone else invites you. My uncle has invited me to go hunting, but he lives four hours away and I’d rather just shoot than go hunting. Definitely on my bucket list!
I freaking hate hunting lol. Unless maybe squirrel hunting. I do not have the patience to go sit for hours and wait for an animal to walk by. My entire family is huge into hunting – even the women. Definitely not me! However, shooting is one of the funnest hobbies ever you should definitely give it a try.
Awesome job on the income, Alexa!!!! I should really have shooting on my list of goals too. Rick wants me to get better with the .22 especially, but I just don’t take the time for it. With all of the wild animals out here, shooting should definitely be on my goal list. SO excited for you that you are working from home now – yea!!!!!
Thank you, Laurie! Go practice with the .22 I bet it won’t take you long to get good with it. I got it down in a couple of shooting sessions now I am just struggling with the more powerful guns.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to shoot guns. Do you own any or so you just use the ranges weapons? You’re always welcome to guest post on my blog if that fits into your strategy. Nice job on the online income!
Thank you! I only own one gun myself. It was an old .22 that got passed down from my Grandpa to my Dad to me. My family owns a couple of sporting goods stores and therefore my dad and one of my friends has amassed quite the collection. We don’t have much to do down here in small town Ohio. Pretty much everyone is a hunter and therefore owns guns.
Great job, Alexa! Are you still at your job or did they finally let you leave?
Yes!! Last week was my first week working from home. I finally did it 😉
Well, you clearly had a lot on your plate this month. Happy to see you accomplished so much.
Amazing, $2k in income is great! I’m hoping to ramp up my extra income this month, hopefully that goes well!
I’m a city gal so never really had the opportunity to go shooting but that sounds fun and like you said, a great stress reliever! 🙂
Very good job on again on making enough to enable you to work from home. Keep doing what you are doing an more and it will only get better.
Love how open and honest you are about your income and everything. It is so helpful to me and motivating! Have you ever thought about doing some of the content mills for extra income on those days when things are slow like writer’s domain??
I actually did think about the content mills when work was slow. I tested it out a couple weeks ago and it took me like 30 minutes to write a $3 article!! I have never checked out writer’s domain. If I could find a mill that I could earn something decent from in comparison to the time commitment I would definitely give it a go.
So funny! I was glancing at your goals and saw the words “hit” “Target” and “9 mm” I immediately thought Target was the department store and was worried you had lost your mind. Reread it and felt better. Good luck with the shooting thing. I live in Canada and have never seen a real handgun. My boyfriends a police officer but he’s never brought his home. I would like to try target shooting sometime.
lol I haven’t lost my mind yet! Didn’t think about Target the store. We don’t have one around here….another small town country thing 😉 Shooting is fun though, definitely addictive if you’ve got a competitive personality.
Good luck with November! I have a feeling that it will be a great month for you, I’m about to send you an email related to that in a few minutes 🙂
Always look forward to that!! lol Thanks, Michelle!
I love the goal of hitting a target with the 9mm. That has to be a first on personal finance blogs. Like with most things you try, I’m sure you’ll hit the target.
Your online income is great. I hope you make it to your goals next month!
Republicans have zero right to complain. How much have we lost in blood and treasure in Iraq after we knew there were no weapons of mass destruction?
Hey Alexa!
How small is this town. I grew up in a small farm town.
1. Is there a stop light ?
2. Can you cash a check with out an ID because people already know you ?
3. Are there any undercover cop cars in the county ? And, do you know what they look like ?
4. Have you ever seen two people meet for the first time, get to talking and then eventually they realize that they are cousins?
5. Are there any photos of you in a 4-H or FFA uniform ?
6. If someone is talking about ” the game”. They are talking about Friday night Varsity FootBall. Always.
~ Christie
Haha you don’t want me to answer some of those questions lol. Football is big in the main town around here but the High School I went to was so small they didn’t even have football. We were all about basketball. And, being in 4H was totally cool back then but I wasn’t lol. I preferred to read and study and things like that. Well, until my teenage years 😀 It’s kind of funny just how stereotypical a small farm town can be!
I can’t believe you’re up over $2K in income! That is really incredible!
Definitely get out of the house once in a while and don’t turn into a hermit. If I worked from home, I’d have to have a list of coffee houses, restaurants, and other places I could hit just be out in public again.
Yes I haven’t wanted to get out of the house so far. I am going to have to force myself!
You can probably guess where I fall on the whole going to church thing. 🙂 Keep it on your list, as well as your family stuff as the two biggest priorities you’ve got.
Yes I can guess 😉 That’s why I like your blog so much!! Things have been going good the past couple of months I just have to keep them that way.
When you said shooting my mind went to video or photography. We live in different worlds. I’m terrified of guns! Great job on your goals. Hope that work picks up and you make your Nov income! I’m hoping that for me too. 🙂
You’re a tough girl Alexa, even a simple noise I’m already afraid! And one of my personal goals too is to attend a Sunday mass with my daughter and eating out with her.
Hey! You are definitely inspiring me to seek out more freelance work. I dabble in it, but with two young kids (two kids under three) it’s hard to really devote yourself to it, you know?? ANyway I saw this on craigslist and thought it would be a good fit for you. Keep up the awesome work! 🙂 http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/wri/4172040808.html
Thank you so much Sarah!! That’s aweome. I really appreciate it.
And, yes, I know what it’s like to have two kids under three! My girls ages three and almost five are just now getting to the point where I can check my email while they’re in the room. It’s tough.
I think you had an amazing October, huge congrats on your freelancing income! Good luck with your November goals, I’m sure you’ll do great! 😛
Wow Alexa those income numbers are just awesome!! You’re gonna do so well 🙂
I’ve never shot or held a gun but when you the 357 in your hand…do you ever feel like reciting the Dirty Harry “do you feel lucky punk!?” scene from the film? Just curious 🙂
Take care and all the best!
Congratulations on meeting your income goal. I love shooting guns but haven’t done so in years. Good luck with your goals.
You are one busy fellow, aren’t you? I’d be happy with simply being able to get out of the house 3 times a week. I think I’ve forgotten what outside looks like. 🙂 There’s just too much work to do inside the home. Not that I’m complaining. Just saying.
You did really well with your blogging income and I am sure that from now on things will get a lot better. You had an amazing October and hopefully things will continue to improve.
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