One of the most endearing qualities of a woman is her ability to handle multiple things simultaneously. And she does it with the utmost grace, one of her biggest virtues. Several women worldwide are handling their lives as a mother, a working woman, and a caretaker by taking care of their children. Some are even enrolled in school as a student and are managing it all while looking fabulous. It can be crucial for such ladies to find ways to save time on their daily routine as it can become difficult to give each aspect of their lives the attention it needs. Having a child and looking after them is of utmost priority for working moms everywhere, but they also seek balance in their work and home lives. In the article, we will highlight how a busy working woman can manage her time to the utmost efficiency and still have some left for herself.

1. Learn to delegate:
One of the best tips for a woman to save time on her tasks is to let go of control effectively. While it is commendable that she tries to handle everything independently, some things are better left to be done by others. For instance, if she is currently enrolled in school or university, she could save herself ample time by seeking out websites to write essays. It can not only provide her with high-quality articles for her academic course but save her time in the process that could be better utilized elsewhere. Similarly, if she finds herself too low on energy to focus on something in her work or home life, it is better to hand it over to someone else. That way, she can come back tomorrow with renewed energy. It is of utmost importance for all individuals to prioritize their mental health, and taking too much can only impact it negatively.
2. Organize yourself:
Time management is an acquired skill, and not everybody possesses the know-how of effectively organizing themselves. However, this is an area in which everybody can excel after consciously putting in the effort to better themselves. Getting organized with one’s schedule means learning how to allot a specific amount of hours per activity. Anyone can start getting organized quickly by formulating a to-do list that ensures the individual doesn’t forget any of their children’s appointments or deadlines at their job. It is best to write these lists a night before or the morning before one’s day begins. It is also a good idea to look over such plans at a consistent time so that it is easier to maintain organization in one’s life.

3. Set realistic goals:
It is human to want to excel at everything and do multiple things at once. However, when you set yourself up to do much, more often than not, you end up doing very little or nothing. Procrastination and distraction are very common in a working woman’s life, and finishing any task can require a complete focus on her part. However, if she can set small and realistic goals for herself, she will be better equipped to check the task off her to-do list. It is best to make only one job a priority at one time such that the individual does not get distracted by doing something else or waste time. Brain mapping, a process through which individuals lay down each plan before their execution, is one of the top methods a working woman can divide her tasks into sub-tasks and complete them one at a time.
4. Separate your family and work-life:
Separation can be difficult for working moms everywhere since it is easy to be wrapped up in their child and upbringing. And when she’s at home, she could easily be thinking about her work and her not being there. As such, for a woman to handle all her responsibilities to the T, it is of utmost importance that she learn how to separate her home life from her working life. By dedicating a specific amount of hours every day to accomplish something related to one’s job or one’s children can help women be more present at the moment and take better care of the task at hand. This way, she does not distract herself from impending tasks and becomes more focused on what she needs to do right now.
5. It is okay to say ‘No’:
As much as we wouldn’t like it to be, time is limited, and everyone is only allotted the same 24 hours per day. However, the 24 hours in a working mom’s life can be jampacked with tasks that could require her constant focus and time. As such, whenever she is presented with requests for something that she absolutely does not have the energy for, she must understand that it is okay for her to say No. Saying No can often mean that people will be disappointed, and working individuals should learn to be okay with that. It can be tempting to say ‘yes’ to everything, but one must not kill themselves trying to please everybody. It is best to look at one’s priorities and learn to say no for the sake of your mental and physical health.

6. Self-care:
Self-care is one of the most important things that most women fail to do when they find themselves handling too many responsibilities, such as being a mother, an employee and a student at the same time. It is easy for ladies to take the back seat and put other people’s priorities over their own. However, it is of utmost importance that women learn to prioritize themselves as only a person who is well-recharged herself can help others. This is why in airplanes, the stewards insist that people put on their oxygen mask first before putting it on others. Find at least 30 minutes to an hour for yourself to do something you love, such as Yoga or running or a drink out with friends. Eating a healthy diet and quality sleep can also do wonders for the often busy lady.
Life can get stressful and unmanageable at times, but a working woman who is well-prepared and has practical management tips can always push herself back and go about her day. And she does it all with a smile on her face.