I don’t think I’ve mentioned it lately but I am feeling kind of down about my job.
I feel undervalued, underpaid, and quite frankly too smart to be stuck in a job that has no room for growth. It’s starting to make me miserable.
I haven’t disclosed exactly what I make at this job but it’s not much more than minimum wage. To spend so many hours a week doing work I dislike to bring home such a pitiful paycheck is making me crazy. I hate being negative but I find myself complaining about something job related every day.
Complaining is not going to get me anywhere in life so I am going to stop complaining about it but I want to make a vow today……
I want to have built up enough income sources by February to be able to completely quit my job and venture out on my own. That gives me six more months.
This means serious budgeting and some *serious* hours of hard work. I am so ready.
Let’s do this.
Exploring Opportunities
I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. I also know that a lot of you are in worse positions than I am and increasing your income is a must.
For me my main area of focus is writing. There is nothing that will bring me income quicker.
My other income avenue is blogging but truth be told I don’t make too much from this yet and I haven’t gotten many advertiser deals in the past couple of months.
I don’t want to be dependent on only one income source so here are a couple of ideas I want to try out.
- Joining Writing Agencies
- Doing Virtual Assistant Work (Leaving blog comments. $1.00 per comment if anyone is interested)
Writing Agencies & My Experiment
One thing that I haven’t tried my hand at is writing agencies. Writing agencies find and deal with clients and then assign writers’ work. From what I’ve read most of the writing agencies starting pay is around $20 per post. This is about four times the pay from content mills.
There is a list of 21 different writing agencies on Freelance Writing which you can view here.
Over the course of the next month I am going to fill out applications for every single one of these. I will post updates in my weekly newsletter (so sign up if you want those) and then after about 6 weeks I will put together a blog post detailing which agencies are worth your while and which ones just flat out suck.
If anyone else wants to do this with me email me and I’ll include your updates in the newsletter as well. This way anyone who is serious about putting in some hard work to increase their income by writing will have an idea of where to start.
Doing Virtual Assistant Work
Anyone can do virtual assistant work and since I already know the ins and outs of blogging and WordPress, this is a pretty good option for me.
The main service that I will offer is blog commenting at $1.00 per comment. If anyone is interested please let me know! I am also going to check Elance and People Per Hour to see if I can find any of these types of jobs. Ultimately I am just hoping to be able to find them through this blog.
Time to Get Serious
I am ready to have my own business that I can be proud of. I also want to show other single mothers that they can follow their dreams, ditch low paying jobs, and create a business that they love that also pays the bills.
I am going to spend the majority of my time concentrating on writing clients but I am open to virtual assistant work on the side if anyone is in need of my services.
I will post all the updates including how much money I have made for the week in my weekly email updates. If you want in on those updates be sure to sign up!
I wanna know what you do to diversify your income? Suggestions? Is there anything that I am overlooking?
Blog commenting? Have you thought of posting some gigs at Fiverr.com? I see blog commenting as a gig there sometimes. And Fiverr.com generally would be a great place to list some offers. I know that writing an article for $5 isn’t worth your time, but the upgrades you can list to the initial gig can be very profitable. I hired two people from Fiverr just last week.
No Fiverr slipped my mind. That would be a good place to offer blog commenting services though.
Im still working on diversifying my income… but I love reading about your drive and determination. Im astounded that you can find enough time to do it all. Way to be!
Thank You!
Good for you, Alexa!!!! You can do it; I know you can. Just remember to work smart as well as working hard. Figure out the hourly wage you’ll make for each potential job before you decide to take it, work on passive income sources (like advertising for the blog – this will come if you keep up the good work) and only pick jobs that you know you’ll like and will be worth your time for the price. Can’t wait for your work from home victory party. 🙂
Thank you for always being so supportive, Laurie! I am trying to pick projects that I enjoy doing. That’s why I was thinking blog commenting would be good for me. I love reading blog posts, so why not get paid to do it!
Hi Kshitij, I guess the problem was not with the fact that it was lawyer heading your previous firm but the fact that the lawyer was unprofessional to not warn the client of the consequences of not filing complete specifications. As for procedural formalities, I don't see too many patent law firms that are upto the mark. Hopefully individuals like you in the practice will help remedy the situation. Cheers,Prashant
So excited for you to pursue this! I think you definitely can make a full-time income through online work, and I like the blog commenting idea. I actually was hoping to find someone to do this maybe starting in the Fall, but I’m reconsidering. I just have to make sure my blog income is sustainable/consistent before going that route. I will keep you in mind if I do end up paying someone to do it, though.
Thanks DC. That would be great! And, thank you for your support!
If you want to become self-employed, my advice is to have at least 3 or 4 income streams. If one of them goes away or suffers, the others can pick up the slack. That’s my strategy and it works pretty well most of the time.
Thanks for the advice Holly. That’s what I am looking for. But the freelance writing is also diversified. Right now I have 3 weekly clients and 2 monthly clients so if I lose one it’ll be okay.
What an awesome goal! I love that you’re putting yourself out there like this too. There’s really no way to be wishy-washy about it now. We could all learn a lesson from this about taking charge of our lives. I’m sure that as you pursue this more actively, plenty of other opportunities will open themselves up as well.
Thank you for the support, Matt!
I definitely think you do this! Good luck!
Thanks, Michelle!
I love being self employed – I get to take full responsibility for both my failures and successes. No more letting someone else tell me what to do and no more kissing ass to my boss.
That’s what I love the about the idea of being self employed. I am a hard worker and consider myself to be pretty smart. How well I do is all on me. Kissing ass doesn’t get me anywhere lol I am ready to be on my own!
I bet you are getting pretty excited. I love being self employed, but sometimes I really miss the social interaction that you have working in an office.
I can see missing the social interaction. But, I am in a small office of 5 people. I would visit with family a lot more if I wasn’t stuck here everyday.
You can definitely do that and it sounds like you’re well on your way already! I would love to be self-employed one day too and have just started exploring my options, there are so many opportunities out there!
Thank you, Connie!
I’m so sorry you are in a soul sucking job that doesn’t pay a lot. Some of my freelance video editing work is soul sucking, but at least it pays a lot when I do it. Keep at trying to get those side gigs! And I just bought 4 new url’s, so when I finally get another one up and running I hope to hire one or two writers. I’ll keep you in mind!
Thanks so much that would be great! I wouldn’t mind doing a couple jobs now and then that I dislike, I just don’t want it to consume all of my time.
Ugh, being undervalued in a job is the worst! My last job was like that completely and that was a big motivator for leaving. Everyone treated me like I had no skills so I had to go.
Good luck with your next career move, with confidence like that I know you will succeed in your goal.
Thank you, Tara!
I haven’t worked at a full-time job for the past twenty years! As you may know, I make my income through a few gigs. The bulk of my income comes from teaching guitar. I also play in a few bands so there’s money there that comes in. Recently I have been doing the sound at a local comedy club once a week which brings in a little more cashola 🙂 I also do web-design and affiliate marketing which brings in even more cash…albeit in small chunks.
Since you already write well and have a grasp of setting up a blog, have you considered affiliate marketing? If you don’t know her already, you should Google Lynn Terry and check out her clicknewz site. She’s an awesome woman and a very successful affiliate marketer. Her story is amazing and she’s truly an inspiration.
And then there’s the skills you have which could be used in teaching others how to set up a blog or how to budget or how to make a side income. This could be taught IRL one on one or in groups. And before you say “I can’t teach”…YOU CAN…so do 🙂
Just a couple of thoughts. I don’t know you, but I am excited for you and I look forward to read how you do from now until February…or maybe sooner 🙂
Take care Alexa and rock on!
Thanks so much Lyle! I have browsed through your blog and read your story and I think it’s awesome! As far as affiliate marketing it’s something I need to brush up on because as of right now I really suck at it!
As far as teaching I have thought about that I want to become successful myself before I teach others how to do it.
Thanks so much for your awesome content and suggestions!!
My pleasure Alexa!! All the best and thanks for visiting the blog 🙂
Really looking forward to hearing about your experiences generating income and building your own business. It’s a fantastic goal and one that I hope to accomplish aswell!
Thank you, Stefanie!
I just recently joined Fivvr. I plan on listing blog comments as my gig! I also offer them on my blog as well. I totally agree with your comment…I already enjoy reading blogs, why not get paid to comment on them?? Great post, keep up the great work!
Thanks Keren! Have you had any luck so far with Fivver?
There’s a quote I can’t remember about he who has made a decision is already half way to his goal, or something like that. I’d just butcher it, but anyway, good on you for doing the tough part and making a tough call, making it public, and holding yourself accountable. I’m sure your business and new ventures will bear fruit.
I think I know what quote you are talking about. Although, I can’t quite remember how it goes either. Thanks for your support!
Girl you and I are right on the same wavelength. That’s why I love your blog. I’m going full time January 1, 2014. Do it with me!! Come on; you know you can!
I would love too but I might have some catching up to do to be on the same path as you! I’ll give it a try though! I love your blog as well. Best of luck to you, I know you’ll do awesome!
I admire you. So many people in unhappy situations complain. And that’s all they do. It’s so hard to make a change. Bravo to you lady! I know you’ll find so much success in your future.
Thanks so much Taynia!
This is why I enjoy your blog. Your honesty. I am pretty sure you can accomplish your goals. You have a pretty good support system here. It will get better.
Thank you, Britnee!
I love the hard deadline. It’s that stick in the ground that will help you find a path before then. A mentor of mine used to always use a golf analogy and say, “don’t pack a water ball.” Lots of golfers (apparently, I’m not a great golfer!) pack a crappy ball for water shots so they don’t lose their good ball. His point: if you pack only your best stuff, even when it gets tough, you’ll have the concentration necessary to win. It sounds to me like you’re only bringing your best.
I like that! Great analogy! Thanks, Joe!
That’s awesome! Sounds like a great plan, I’m interested in reading more about your experience with freelancing. Best of Luck!
Thank you!
Good luck on your 6 month goal! With your drive and determination, I’m sure you’ll be able to attain that goal.
Thanks, Andrew!
This sounds like a great idea! I totally feel you on working somewhere you don’t like/has no room for growth, although I make a decent paycheck I live in NYC and decent doesn’t cut it especially for a single mom (I have a 7 yr old). I would love to be my own boss but you know what jumps to my head when I say that??? what about health insurance??? I know it’s random but having a child I think having health insurance is a MUST and getting insurance privately costs almost 4 times as much as employer sponsored programs.. have you thought of this as well?
Exciting! I write for travel blogs, I’ve been tutoring, baby sitting, house sitting, pet sitting, doing data entry… little by little it adds up.
You go, girl!
I found your blog early this morning and I’m already a huge fan! No snark here (I love that!), no disparaging the ex, no “I’m-finally-free-and-I’m-sleeping-with-every-man-in-town” divorcee escapades. You’re too busy moving and shaking your way to financial independence and setting a good example not only for your kids, but for any single mom trying to do a little better. Do have any idea how rare that is??? I’ll be “hanging out” here with the hope that some of your focus and determination rubs off on me. I’m inspired!
My dream, which has been on indefinite hold, is to ditch the day job as well. Last year my soon-to-be- ex lost his job – and health insurance. What a relief it was easily transfer my two daughters’ coverage to my employer’s plan. For now, the day job is crucial for benefits although it doesn’t pay enough to live on on its own. As for the future, I think there will be more options for health insurance as more and more people work for themselves. Check out the Freelancer’s Union: http://www.freelancersunion.org
I have no doubt you’ll hit your goal. I love that you are bold enough to set a deadline. I’m much more wishy washy about timelines. I could learn a thing or two from you in that area.
Good luck to you! It sounds like you’re really ready to leave your job, which I completely understand. It’s so hard to feel positive in life when one aspect is so mentally draining. Since I turned in my notice at work, I feel freer and more mentally “on the ball” so to speak.
I’m really excited to read about your adventures with the writing companies. I’m going to be following you. 🙂 Though I’d like to participate myself, I think I’m starting to bite off more than I can chew; I’ll still be rooting you along from the sidelines, though!
Hi Alexa,
Your kids are cute! We love your blog keep up the great work….
Hey Alexa,
Definitely keep the blogging going. Over time as you continue to do it, and do proper SEO you will get targeted traffic that will want to buy products from you and sign up for your newsletter.
Hang in there.
And I think the writing and free lancing is also a great avenue to make money with.
Keep on keeping on as you are headed in the right direction !
Good for you!!! I missed this post, so exciting. I can’t wait to read about your progress!!
Not that I am wedded to the Double-D hypothesis or anything…But I will remind Ian and his readers that the Dean also kinda/sorta tongue-in-twit And, of course, there is always the developing Quad-Dee hypothesis to consider (a.k.a. ‘The Dobell Doctrine Double-Down!’)…More on that one later.